Energy ≠ Energy in Motion 🫢

You’ve probably heard the popular adage before: “Emotion is just energy in motion.” It sounds poetic, even intuitive. But it’s not the whole story. And for many of us, it confuses things rather than clearing them up.

The concept that emotions are just stuck energy isn't based on neuroscience, it's based on some catchy word play from a famous self-help author.

Emotions aren’t just forces moving through you like a current that needs to be discharged. They’re brain-generated interpretations of what's happening inside you and around you — shaped by context, personal history, and brain state. Sometimes they need movement, sometimes they don’t.

This matters, because if we believe emotions are just “energy that needs to move,” we might chase ineffective solutions — thinking we simply need to "release" something, or just dance it out, or exercise harder. But real emotional mastery comes from understanding how emotions truly work.

Let’s break it down:


💡 5 Reasons This Myth Needs to Go:


❌ 1. Emotions aren’t forces that need to “move.”

The brain doesn’t just store emotions like a battery holding a charge. It activates an experience of them in real time, based on our reaction(s) to stimulus, our emotional concepts, our personal history, and the stories we tell. Emotions are dynamic experiences that help us conserve our resources and make meaning, not stagnant energy just waiting to be pushed through.


❌ 2. Survival mode blocks emotional awareness.

When our nervous system goes into Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Appease, it doesn’t say, “Let’s process some emotions!”.  Instead, it prioritizes immediate survival — which means shutting down emotional processing for our protection. If emotions were just energy, we’d always experience them in the same way, but we don't. Sometimes we're not present to them at all...


❌ 3. Stillness doesn’t erase emotion.

If motion were necessary for emotion, stillness would mean no emotions. But anyone who has ever been frozen in grief, spiraled into anxious thoughts while lying in bed, or felt numb but not at peace knows — motion isn’t the determining factor. Our emotional experience depends on what our brain constructs, not our level of movement.


❌ 4. You don’t always need to “release” emotions for them to resolve.

While emotions can build up and max out our capacity to process them, the answer to that build-up is not always dumping. According to contemporary neuroscience, emotions shift when our brain updates its predictions. Sometimes, the right input — safety, context, or connection — is all that’s needed for an emotion to change.


❌ 5. “Stuck emotions” aren’t just trapped energy — they’re trauma.

Trauma doesn't stay unresolved because energy is trapped — it’s because the brain hasn’t updated its safety map. When heightened reactivity and sensitivity persist, it’s usually because the nervous system is still perceiving threat, even when the threat is gone. The solution isn’t just to move energy — it’s to correct the prediction and rewire the adaptation.

✨ A More Accurate View of Emotion:


Emotions aren’t just something to move through — they’re experiences your brain constructs based on state, perception, and safety. They don’t simply flow; they emerge, shift, and resolve when the nervous system gets the right information.


So yes, movement can help. But it’s not about just “getting rid of energy”. It’s about giving your brain what it needs to feel safe enough to process.


👉 Want to learn how to navigate your emotions with precision? That’s what we do. Let’s talk.

Do you want more ways to work with emotion?
Ready to go beyond self-care and really get the results you're looking for?
Are you tired of trying to figure this out all on your own?

The "Feel Better Already"
Strategy Session

Is "Soft Life" Really a Cure for Burnout?

Have you heard about the "Soft Life" trend?

We've been looking into it because this trend is being touted as the answer to burnout.

As folks who work directly with powerful people around the world to rewire their nervous systems as a preventative to burnout (and overwhelm, procrastination, anxiety, depression, etc.), our curiosity is piqued!

What is "Soft Life"?
Is it really the answer to burnout?

The Soft Life trend comes from influencer culture in Nigeria, and in America is all about embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes ease, comfort, and self-care over the relentless grind of hustling.

The key aspects are:

  • Self-Care and Mental Health: Resilience practices like meditation, quality sleep, and stress management.

  • Rejecting Hustle Culture: Promoting balance, leisure, and the importance of downtime by leaning into resilience practices, but also by setting boundaries around work and emotional labor.

  • Aesthetic and Lifestyle: A visual aesthetic — cozy, minimalistic, and sometimes even luxurious settings that evoke comfort and relaxation.   

Here at the Center for Emotional Education... 

We love resilience practices (we include strategies for resilience in Emotional Sovereignty School).

We're huge champions of boundaries (Better at Boundaries Mini-Course anyone?).

And cozy may as well be our middle name because we know what cozy does for a nervous system (it's a word we use in the opening of many newsletters, including this one!).


Soft Life simply isn't enough to fend off burnout.

Here's why...

  1. Not all of us can dedicate enough of our time to meditation, baths, and plush fabrics. We prefer to promote strategies that are available to anyone, anytime, and don't cost any money.

  2. Even if we could devote multiple hours to resilience practices each day, we'd basically have to stay "on retreat" and away from all sources of stress in order to maintain that level of calm, which simply isn't possible.

  3. (The biggie.) Resilience practices (the things we do to reduce stress) are only one part of the burnout equation.

If we don't learn how to work with our capacity for emotion (stress, overwhelm, anxiety, guilt, frustration), the burnout prophylactic we've created via our boundaried, luxurious, hygga moments, wears off fairly quickly.

Life, with all it's stresses, is always just inches away from a bubble bath. 

Resilience practices require large investments of time. But emotion happens instantly and regularly. We feel things all day long, whether we're in a soft pile or not.

Unfortunately we can't self-care ourselves out of our feelings.

In addition to gentle routines, loving boundaries, and a supportive physical environment, for emotional release we need emotional tools.

The solution to burnout is both resilience practices and emotional capacity practices.

Without emotional processing tools to use alongside our Soft Life efforts, we're at risk of subconsciously using this trend as just another version of Survival Freeze where, sure we're comfortable, but we may also be in active avoidance of things that really matter to us and our longterm goals.

Our conclusion?

Embrace #SoftLife as much as is right for you and available to you!

AND, also remember to embrace:


What about you?

Do you have any thoughts about this trend? Let us know! We'd love to hear about your experience.

Do you want help determining if you're embracing the Soft Life as a way of avoiding things you truly want to do? We've got you.

Our team of coaches is at the ready with a complimentary "Feel Better Already" Strategy Session in which you'll be supported to discover the truth about your habits and your goals. 

This offer is available to anyone who has not already enjoyed this session-type, and is ready to crack the code of emotional capacity.

And in any case, we're cheering you on in cultivating the life that is just right for you — all of you!

The "Feel Better Already"
Strategy Session

Do you want more ways to manage emotion?
Ready to go beyond self-care and really get the results you're looking for?
Are you tired of trying to figure this out all on your own?

Better at Boundaries Mini-Course

Designed for busy individuals who want results, this mini-course offers bite-sized, actionable content to help you start making changes right away. Gain the confidence to uphold your values, reduce emotional overwhelm, and create more balanced, fulfilling relationships.

Maybe You're Not an Empath 😲

 Many of us relate to ourselves as compassionate, tuned in, and occasionally taking on other's upsets as our own. And in the parlance of our time, we refer to certain folks who do this more than others as empaths.

Here's the definition:

  • An empath is someone who is highly attuned to the emotions of others.

  • They feel what others are feeling so deeply that they may "absorb" or "take on" those emotions. 

  • Empaths may struggle to distinguish their own feelings from those of others, which can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. 

Ring any bells for you? It certainly does for us...

And for those of us who think of ourselves as empaths the world can be a very overwhelming and over-stimulating place. We may even tend to avoid people altogether in order to protect our own energy and capacity.

But maybe it's not "being an empath".
Maybe it's being wired to react to others from a Survival State.

A huge percentage of us accidentally developed a nervous system that manages social situations with the neural network that is meant to manage life or death situations.

This can happen when, early on, our brain wires itself in order to succeed in an environment lacking adequate social and emotional support.

The Survival System relies on coherence in order to keep us alive.

Historically, if someone in our clan was running from a saber-tooth tiger, the others of us most likely to survive were the ones who noticed early and at distance, and acted accordingly! 

Our species has survived for eons in part due to reacting with Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Appease whenever someone near us was in Survival Mode. 

There are no longer saber-tooth tigers chasing our fellow clansmen, but Survival coherence is still very much alive and active.

Unless we know how to work proactively with coherence, our Survival System reacts to others’ emotional states as if there’s a threat—preparing to “stay alive” even when no real danger is present, just people expressing feelings.

This is why standing near an upset person upsets our own system.

It's not that we're absorbing their feelings, it's that we're mirroring their feelings. And our system (among other things) is preparing to either protect us from the emotion or from the threat of whatever might be inviting the emotion.

In any case, (empath or over-reactive wiring) the answer to experiences like this is to invite our Survival System to "stand down".


3 things you can prevent Survival coherence and the experience of absorbing other's feelings:

  1.  What's your breath doing?
    Are you panting like you're going to fight or run? Are you barely breathing at all? 
    Just noticing your breath will cue the Survival System that there's less need for it to get involved.

  2. Can you touch your skin?
    Find a little patch of your own skin, and rub your finger over it. If you keep this up for a minute or so, this tiny signal will help your nervous system understand that your body's experience is separate from the experience of the upset person near you, and will begin to down-shift the Survival reaction.

  3. How far away is your pinkie toe from your elbow?
    This sounds silly, but if you can ask your brain to calculate the distance between body parts, it helps your nervous system re-estimate the threat level of the situation. A general rule is that if you can notice your body, you can stay out of Survival mode and have a chance of remaining emotionally sovereign in the face of another's emotion.

The best part about this?

Even if we got wired to respond to people and their emotions from the Survival System, we can rewire.

Putting the right tool in place, at the right moment, and repeating that process consistently over time, asks the brain to redevelop itself in order to accommodate the new way of living.

With some work (and especially with support) we can:

  • Become less accidentally empathic (having the sense that we absorb others' emotions)

  • Become more empathetic (authentically connecting around emotions)

  • Maintain a grounded sense of self and sovereignty no matter who we're with

What's your experience? Please share with us if you have identified as an empath and how you support yourself. We'd love to hear!

And if the path of brain rewiring is calling to you, we invite you to join us! We've been at it for 18 years now.

Rewiring is what we do!

And if you have been dealing with the experience of getting too activated around others' feelings, or taking on too much, or cohering too deeply with the states of those around you — please know you are not alone, and you don't have to face it alone. We know what it's like, and we can help.

The "Feel Better Already"
Strategy Session

Do you want to team up to rewire your nervous system?
Get help discovering how your system works and what it needs.
Schedule a phone appointment at your convenience.

💛 Why You're not "Normal" 💛

Did you know that you're not "normal"? 

No one is.

There is no normal when it comes to, anything, but certainly not personality, brain development, trauma response, or even reactions to everyday occurrences.

Like everyone, your brain started with some basic "factory settings", and then was customized according to aaaallllllllllllll your personal experience. Your history has been unique. No one else has your exact genetics, your particular caregivers, your little and big triumphs, and your shallow scrapes and deeper wounds. 

Brains are incredibly smart that way. They team up with all of your body parts and adjust and alter every single mechanism in order to make sure that you make it. Literally every system of nerves, every muscle, and every neuron is carefully managed to help you adapt to the circumstances of your most common early environments.

There is no "normal" there is only "just right for these conditions".

Given that you are absolutely unique, your route to feeling better is going to be pretty unique, too. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to mental health, emotional self-care, or even nervous system regulation. You will be the expert on what's right for you.

So, if you're willing, let's try this:

1. Close your eyes or at least soften your gaze, and tune into your personal, unique experience.

  • Take a quick peek

  • View it from across the street

  • Or through a tiny peep hole

  • What's happening in you?

  • What sensations are safe to feel right now?

  • What emotions are safe to feel right now?

  • Do you like noticing this?

  • Take a break and look at something you love for a second if that seems helpful.

2. What does your body need right now?

  • A cozier seat, outfit, position?

  • Some warmth? Some cooling down?

  • Water?

  • Snack?

  • To move?

  • Some gentle touch?

  • Slow exhales? Slow inhales?

  • Rest?

(Whatever it is, you know best. Take your time... Go ahead and tend to your body the way that's right for you.)

3. Are you willing to check in with your feelings? What are they? 

(Go slow here. Really look, and identify the names of your emotions.)

4. What do your feelings need?

  • a cry?

  • a gentle hug?

  • a scream into a pillow?

  • movement?

  • companionship?

  • to be heard?

  • understanding?

  • touch?

  • expression?

(Whatever it is, you know best. Take your time. Tend to your feelings in the way that's right for you.)

Did you like what you came up with for yourself? It's important to pay attention to what works for you because...

When we repeat the tools that serve our nervous system best... again and again over time... something amazing happens...

Can you guess what it is?

Our brain gets an update.

Instead of carrying on with the customized setup that was perfect for surviving our origins, our brain re-customizes to fit our current circumstances, our current skillset, and our current values and goals.

So here's to you and your amazing, special, unique brain. There's no one like you. And we think that's pretty cool...

(For the fellow brain-geeks among us, at the Center we call this concept neurodiversity or "neuro-idiosyncrasy" and the data is pretty clear that all brains are neuroidiosyncratic.)

Keep finding your just right way!

Upcoming self-care opportunities for you and your unique nervous system:

The Grief Well

Does your grief need some ritual and community?
Live Bereavement Ceremony
February 12, 2025
5:30pm Pacific

The "Feel Better Already"
Strategy Session

Do you want to team up on your nervous system support?
Get help discovering how your system works and what it needs.
Schedule a phone appointment at your convenience.

Loving Someone Who's "Gone"

(Nathan, here, with a special reach out to my fellow grievers.)

I’ve been grieving my brother Edward for almost 2 years now.

(And as a measure of that project, I’ll admit that it took me a long time today to write anything else after that sentence. . .)

Suffice it to say, Edward’s death and the process I have been through since has changed me so much that who I was before would barely believe it.

Grieving has taught me so much more than I ever wanted to know. About emotional pain and expression, for sure, but also about cremation, and traveling with cats, and obituaries, and bank loans, and real estate, etc., etc..

Another thing I’ve learned more than I ever wanted to know about is loving someone who’s “gone”.

On Full-Time Grievers, the podcast I now cohost (because podcasting is another thing grieving is teaching me), we were talking about the ongoing connection we have with our deceased loved ones. It can be anything from playing a song or doing an activity they liked, visiting a special place in honour of them, or writing them a note, to donating to a cause they cared about, creating art to them, and/or cultivating rituals that keep us in contact.

Among a litany of other things, I regularly leave Edward long rambling voice messages, and I visit the bench we got for him in Missoula. Some local folks have even seen me blessing the bench on special occasions. I also visit him in the spirit world, ask him for support, and bring him to important moments and places.

This month on the Micro Full Snow Moon – on 2.12 which is a special number for Edward and me and some of our friends – we’ll be leading another edition of the Grief Well. This is a guided set of rituals for honouring, mourning, and continuing connection with our dearly departed. 

You can opt in or out of each element in this roughly 90-minute ceremony, choosing your level of privacy, in compassionate community with fellow grievers, from the comfort of your own space. All grief levels and all grievers are welcome.

When you sign up, you can get a copy of our 83 page grief journal, too, for free.

This is for me and all the other folks out there still loving someone who’s “gone”.

The Grief Well

Live Bereavement Ceremony
February 12, 2025
5:30pm Pacific

Sending you love. 🖤

Levels of Emotional Healing

Emotional healing is a journey that unfolds in layers, seasons, and cycles. It’s not a straight path but a continual process of tending to ourselves, growing, and recalibrating.

The Levels of Emotional Healing provide a roadmap, helping us understand what’s needed at each stage whether it’s creating safety in the body, processing deep emotions, or embracing lasting change.

Wherever you are in your journey, know that we're cheering you on and every effort counts.

Let’s dive in.

Levels of Emotional Healing:

Getting the body safe.
This involves getting enough good sleep, good nutrition, plenty of water, movement, breath, and optimal temperature balance, in safe spaces. These basics have a powerful influence on our mood, resilience, and cognition. If you aren't getting enough of these needs met, you can't get further...

Getting the body regulated.
This is all about using the body to convince the nervous system and Survival Brain that no predator needs to be expected. It relies on parasympathetic nervous system activation, neurochemical maintenance, and/or "prediction error" correction. If you can't meet these needs, then emotional work can be traumatizing...

Tending surface emotion.
When feelings come up and we're safe enough to express them – then we consciously Notice them, we Name them, and we stay in Touch with the experience of them. This helps process emotion, and teach our nervous system that we’re safe to engage with emotion. If you can't sit with the feeling, you can't access the healing...

Releasing historical emotion.
This is where feelings are friends, and we go gently looking for how we can help our friends out. It involves deeper release, deeper integration, and deeper rewiring of our "neural habits" regarding emotional processing. If you can process and release historical emotion, you can heal from trauma

Surrendering to change.
This is about living differently than we did before, taking better care of ourselves, allowing relationships and circumstances to evolve with us, continuing to choose our own healing, while avoiding complacency. If you can make healing a practice, you can create permanent change

Being the change/changed/changing.
This is about both allowing our self to be who we really are, and to become who we're here to become, while staying more focused on being in the journey than arriving. It asks that we keep doing everything we've been doing (above), while being fully open to all we can do now. If you can truly see your self, you can do anything

Each of these are cyclical, seasonal, perpetual.

We need them all to really heal.

And we never finish.

If you can get used to that, you'll do extremely well here.

And if you happen to find that you need support along the way, our global team of compassionate coaches is here to navigate these waters with you. 

One of these beautiful people could be your personal emotional healing champion.

*Limited to folks who haven't yet taken advantage of this offering.

Sending you love. 💛

3 Words for Moving Forward

We have a cool exercise for you, do you want to try it? This one might be nice for after a bath, or during your lunch break. It's an eye-opener, heart supporter, and idea sparker. ✨

With this exercise you will:

  • Identify three key needs from the past present and future

  • Drain off emotion that is eddying around these needs

  • Take a small action to immediately meet a present need

  • Begin to design a structure that supports your future self's top need 

There are 3 steps. You'll need this Needs List for each step.

1. Past Need

Looking over the past year, or even the past several years — what is the highest priority need that went largely unmet? What is something you really needed, and did not get enough of?

Can you recall a few scenes from your past to help bring this need into clearer focus? 

Write that top-tier need down.

Step 1 will likely bring up feelings, because unmet needs in our past can bring up uncomfortable feelings in our present. Even if we were to meet this need today, it wouldn't take away the feelings that have come from that need not being met in the past.

Past unmet needs can only be addressed by meeting the emotional needs of the present.

So go ahead and name three feelings that are present today, that rise from this unmet need of the past.

  • Are you able to stay with these feelings for a bit? 

  • Where are they in your body?

  • What sensations are there with them?

  • What words do they say?

(You can write this part down too.)

Can you stay here, listening to these feelings? Can you breathe into them? Can you open to them and let them move through? 

(This may take several minutes. Crying is normal.)

Good work. You're ready for the next step.

2. Present Need

Tune into your present experience, your existence right now in this minute. Can you name a top-tier need from the list? 

How can you tell this is a need? What complaints, noticings, or desires show you that you have this need?

Write this top-tier need down.

Meeting our top needs in the present doesn't take away feelings from the past, but can prevent further activation of new emotion.

That being said, naming your present-tense, top-tier need can bring up additional pre-existing feelings. It's easy to see all the ways in which this need is not getting met. We may be inclined to notice all the ways that the other people in our lives are failing to meet this need. If this is happening for you, see if you can name the feelings you have about this present need not being met.

Are you able to stay with these feelings, just like you did in Step 1?

(You'll know when you're ready to move on. Give yourself time. Crying is normal.)

Now, brainstorm a couple easy ways you can meet this need for yourself. Right now.

Here are some examples.

Need: Ease
• Is there something you can put off until tomorrow?
• Are there leftovers you can heat up instead of cooking?
• Can you switch your tight pants for some comfy ones?

Need: Order
• Can you rewrite your to-do list on a cleaner sheet of paper?
• Want to give the floor a sweep? Or take out the recycling?
• Do you want to print out a calendar for the year and tape it to the fridge?

Present-tense needs respond well to emotional processing, and small actions.

Do something that meets your present-tense, top-tier need, and then come back for Step 3.

3. Future Need

Now that you've drained off a bunch of feelings, and met at least one of your pressing needs with a small direct action, your neurochemistry is likely primed to be able to consider the future.

If you're going to live into the most magnetic, optimal, successful version of yourself, what is the most essential need that must be met? What is the top-tier need for your future self?

Write this need down.

Are feelings swarming in again? Feeling some worry that you won't be able to meet this need and live into your best self? What a totally normal response! If this is happening for you, go ahead and identify feelings again. Can you name three?

Are you able to take the time to feel these and hear what they have to say? You can use the prompts from Step 1 to do so.

(When some optimism has slipped back in, or at least some hope, you're likely ready to continue.)

What are some foundational or structural changes you can make to meet the top-tier need that your future self is relying on? How can you start to implement them?

Here are some examples.

Need: Community
• Make a list of who you'd like to be in deeper community with. How can you structure your week to overlap with them more?

Need: Authenticity
• What support is available to help you stay regulated and authentic in social and creative pursuits? Is there a course you want to enroll in or a practitioner you'd like to hire?

Need: Trust
• How often do you engage in rituals of trust? Do you need to schedule a time each week to connect with a higher power? Or a time to list all the magical signs you're receiving from the Universe?

Future needs are best met with foundational, structural, organizational, action.

You did it!

Now you have:

  • A list of 3 key needs

  • A sense of what feelings are up for you around these needs

  • Ways to be with these feelings

  • Actions you can take to meet present and future needs

How was that for you?

Was this exercise useful?

Let us know, we'd love to hear!

#1 Money Killer

Are you ready for a funny/not-so-funny story?

Once upon a time...

Someone we know came home from the grocery store and set about unpacking the various items from their bags. The next morning she entered the kitchen and gasped!

 All of the fish in their beautiful, large saltwater tank, were dead.



She had accidentally stowed the orange juice concentrate in the cabinet above the tank, instead of in the freezer. And the juice that dripped down changed the acidity of the tank, and killed the very expensive inhabitants of that tank.

Why (on Earth??) would someone stow frozen orange juice in the cabinet?

Because when humans do life from a Survival State we do really stupid things that cost us lots of time, money, and heartbreak.

When we're in a Survival State we leave our awareness, our bodies, and our "right minds". In Survival Mode it's easy, natural, normal!, to make costly mistakes, like:

  • Routinely losing the expensive fob that has to be replaced at the car dealership for $800.

  • Buying an $1800 non-returnable couch that doesn't fit the living room.

  • Smashing the computer or phone or whatever other fragile and expensive object is nearby.

  • Misplacing things and buying a new one just to then find the old one after the new one can no longer be returned.

  • Bailing out on a lease and losing the deposit(s).

  • Moving too slowly to grab our just right opportunities.

  • Moving too quickly to read the fine (and costly) print.

You get the idea.

So much wasted money.

If we want to save ourselves precious time and money, and our tender hearts – we want to know how to work with our brain states so we never get stuck doing life in Survival Mode.

Learning the tools to work with these brain states will save us tens of thousands of dollars in a lifetime!

Right now we're gearing up for our once-yearly, world-renowned program called NeuroEmotional Coach Training – and one of the curiosities folks have is, how can I justify an investment in emotional stuff?

And it's just not fair to say to them: Think of all the saltwater aquariums you will save!

NeuroEmotional Coach Training teaches us how to help ourselves and others to move fluidly between brain states, so that we spend more time in an Executive State – which is hella good at money.

When we're processing from this brain state we not only are able to save the money wasted by stupid Survival Brain mistakes and delayed by Emotional Brain stagnancy. We're also able to dream up and follow through on all our smart money ideas, and actually earn more.

This is true of all NeuroEmotional work, by the way, not just NeuroEmotional Coach Training, so that's cool!

Just by reading these newsletters and applying the tools you have, you're already helping to set yourself up with financially beneficial brain functionality. Woohoo!


If you're interested in this sort of thing, NeuroEmotional Coach Training additionally teaches the skills that can be used to:

  • Earn a good living

  • Earn additional part-time money

  • Earn a higher rate for the services you already offer

  • Leverage your time

Really cool.

If you're wondering if this is the year you join us, and increase both your emotional health and your financial health, and want help crunching the numbers, just respond to this email and we'll get you sorted!

Every time we practice what we've learned about brain states, we are that much less likely to lock our keys in the car.

So, cheers to not losing keys! 

Cheers to not killing fish!

Cheers to all the other heartbreaks we avoid through our devotion and diligence to this work!


Every investment you make in your emotional health (and the health of others) pays for itself tenfold.

Wondering if you can get in on the financial benefits of NeuroEmotional Coach Training? Then please schedule a complimentary session with us or a member of our team to discuss it by clicking on the button below.

This training starts Jan 22, 2025
(The next opportunity for this training will be in 2026)

What *is* Nervous System Reprogramming Anyway?

Have you ever had your life's work become trendy and get turned into buzzwords that make for beautiful Instagram posts but that also dilute the importance and warp the facts of it?

It sucks!

And... It happens for us a lot.

The latest phrase to be making the rounds these days is:


Nervous System Reprogramming

And suddenly everyone's an expert. 


  • What is it exactly?

  • Why do we want it?

  • How do we get it?

What is Nervous System Reprogramming?

At the most basic level, to reprogram your nervous system means to change your automatic, habitual, adapted reactions to stimuli. Generally the trend now is in relation to changing how one's nervous system relates to stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and other activating ("trigger") elements of daily living.

Why Reprogram Our Nervous System?

Many of us want to respond to regular life stressors with ease, calm, gentility, and flexibility, but find that, despite our best intentions, we react instead with yelling, bailing out, binge drinking or tv watching, sacrificing our own wellbeing for the sake of others, and other problematic behaviors.

If we don't reprogram our nervous systems to find things less activating, we just keep repeating actions and reactions that we don't prefer. This leads to limited personal potential, lost opportunities, self-sabotage, disconnection with ourselves and others, health issues, and other problems.

How to Reprogram our Nervous System?

  • You watch a 30 second video on social media and voila!

  • You buy a 21-day pre-recorded course and you're all done!

Just kidding!!!!!!!!!

Nervous System Reprogramming actually requires the application of the proper techniques, at the right moments, with longterm consistency. And when we combine all three, over time we build new pathways in the brain that translate throughout the nervous system.

It's a bit like this...

We're cruising along the straight and easy road of life...

Then, something stressful happens, and our historical programming kicks in (blocking the way we'd prefer to go), and suddenly we're skidding down the familiar, uncomfortable road of (old) destructive habits.

Nervous system reprogramming starts when we learn new tools to use during stressful moments, and we've practiced them enough that we can employ the right tool at the right (stressful) time.

When we do this, we're able to bypass the road of destructive habits.

If we use the right tool each time we come across a stressful moment, every day, throughout the day, for months on end...

We develop a new neural habit.

Our brain recognizes that this is now the more common way that we react, so this new pathway gets myelinated and becomes our new default, automatic reaction – our new programming.

When we lean into Nervous System Reprogramming and keep using our tools, we no longer have to try to avoid stressful moments. We can go anywhere we want, be anybody we want, and do anything we want because our nervous system has new healthy ways of managing.

Where to Learn the Tools?

Every single offering through the Center is designed for Nervous System Reprogramming. Choose one of our paths, start on the level that's right for you, and away you go.

The upcoming term of NeuroEmotional Coach Training is an opportunity to...

Support your own Nervous System Reprogramming while learning how to guide clients, partners, children, and anyone else you care about, to set up their nervous system for healthier neural habits!

(And if you don't wind up working with us for this important work, please choose a course that is trusted, comprehensive, and honest. You're worth it!)

We're holding sessions to interview likely candidates for Coach Training. If this is you, now's your chance! And if you have someone in mind that might love this opportunity, please send them this email!

Here's to gorgeous, thriving, flexible nervous systems!

Manifest Best with Brain Science

Happy New Year to you and yours!

All around the globe people are taking a little time to reflect on this last year and start dreaming and planning next year. One of the most classic ways to do this is with a wonderful little booklet by YearCompass.

This is our first year filling one out! We sat in a booth at Butterfly Herbs, sipping on lattes our daughter Echo made, and reflecting together. Dreamy!
And, we couldn't help but notice that the prompts jumped around a little bit neuroemotionally – some prompts invited an Emotional Brain response and then other prompts required an Executive Brain perspective.

Probably no one else in the world noticed this, but as neuroemotional nerds and champions, we sure did!

And, as it turns out, YearCompass welcomes remixes of their journal (as long as no one charges money for it and a couple other restrictions), so that's just what we did!

We put together an inspired guide just for you.

We followed their beautiful format, added our own content, and organized it all to follow the flow of neurochemistry.

Our goal:

  • To help you integrate the ups and downs of the last twelve months. 

  • Attune your neurochemistry to be a match for your unique, abundant, and optimized vision of next year.

The prompts will aid your success – first focusing on body-based recollections and experiences, then emotion-based events and reviews, and then mind- and spirit-based evaluations, estimations, dreams, and plans.

We call it Endings and Beginnings.

We hope you enjoy!

We're sending it with so much love,
Nathan and Natalie

Fill out on your computer.

Print and fold into a booklet.

ps. If looking for some guidance for how to print the booklet, try this:

  1. Open the PDF (preferably with the Adobe Acrobat Reader app).

  2. Click 'Print' to open the printer dialog.

  3. Select the 'One page on one side' option.

  4. Choose the 'Bind on the short edge' option.

  5. Print the booklet.

(If that doesn't work, print page 1, then put it face up in your paper tray and print page 2. Continue in that pattern until all pages have been printed.)

Coming up at the Center for Emotional Education:

11am Pacific, JANUARY 12, 2025 
Building the Entrepreneurial Nervous System – Free workshop for anyone interested in understanding the connections between neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and entrepreneurial success.

10:30am Pacific, JANUARY 20, 2025
Dear EQ, What Do I Do? – Monthly meetup for those seeking emotionally intelligent suggestions for life's difficult problems

1:00pm Pacific, JANUARY 22, 2025
NeuroEmotional Coach Training 2025 – Our foundational once-yearly course for getting certified in Nervous System Reprogramming and NeuroEmotional Coaching.

Is Shyness an Emotion?

How's it going with you? Remembering to breathe?

We hope you're getting to read this in a cozy moment...

We get asked this question a lot:

Is shyness an emotion?

Our answer?

You betcha!

There is a common belief that shyness is a character trait – something you're born with or something you inherit. But after nearly 20 years of supporting people to navigate their emotions, we've found that shyness is an emotion like any other and not something we're just stuck with. 

As two people that previously considered themselves "shy", we can attest to the fact that if you have the right tools, you can move with shyness like a pro no matter where you are or what you're doing.

Shyness can be a common experience around the holiday season. Adults and children alike can find themselves loathing family gatherings and the array of holiday events that involve other people.

So let's break it down!


How to support yourself or your child with shyness

1. Heightened Shyness

Sometimes the shyness we experience is really strong, strong enough to bring in some Survival reactivity (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Appease).

In an adult, Survival Shyness during a holiday gathering might look like:

  • FIGHT:

    • Finding fault with the gathering, or the people there!

    • And, even though it's counter-intuitive, some of us try to counteract shyness by being active in conversation, but because of the adrenaline and cortisol in our system, our conversational style comes across as combative.


    • Not even going to the party!

    • Or wandering the perimeter of the party.

    • And, if we enter conversation at all we might steer the conversation away from our ourselves.


    • Showing up late to the party! Because we were frozen on the couch and had to force ourselves to get ready.

    • And, if we are roped into a conversation, we say hardly anything at all.


    • Working the party! As in literally working – doing dishes, getting drinks, clearing the table, and focusing on others whether we're hosting or not.

    • And, if we stop working long enough to join a conversation, it's to facilitate someone else's conversation.

In a child, this variety of Heightened Shyness during a holiday gathering might look like:

  • FIGHT:

    • Finding fault with their outfit, their sister, their seat in the car, the food, the other kids, the activities, etc.

    • You won't see a lot of conversation, but you might hear some yelling.

    • They might refuse to play if they can't be in charge.


    • Dashing out of the room, not staying in one place, having a hard time staying seated at the table, perhaps even hiding.

    • Kids in this mode might only talk in order to ask to leave the party, or to play on a device.

    • They may be able to be coaxed into games without any words, like tag, or hide and seek.


    • Staying glued to the parent, wanting to be held, not interacting with other children, maybe even falling asleep.

    • A child frozen with shyness might not talk at all, not even to answer direct questions. 

    • They are unlikely to play.


    • Doing all the things they're supposed to do: saying "Please" and "Thank You", finishing their food, clearing their plate, but without any of their spirit or personality shining through.

    • Kids appeasing their way through a holiday gathering will do lots of observing to make sure they're doing it "right".

    • They may play a little but as a follower – doing what the older or more powerful kids want.

What to do with Survival mode?

As an adult we can help ourselves out of Survival reactivity by communicating safety to our body. 

Some techniques for supporting ourselves in Survival Mode are:

  • moving slowly

  • drinking something warm

  • staying warm or cooling down when needed

  • eating enough food

  • breathing with an exhale that is longer than our inhale

  • standing near, or touching someone else that is calm and regulated

As the parent we can help our child move out of Survival reactivity by NOT talking, and communicating safety to their body. 

Some techniques for helping our children out of Survival Shyness are:

  • moving our body slowly

  • drinking something warm near our child, and making the drink available to them (without asking them if they want it)

  • keeping our body warm or cool, and having something at hand for our child to reach for to warm or cool their body (without asking them if they want it)

  • eating enough food and making food available to our child (without asking them if they want it)

  • breathing with an exhale that is longer than our inhale in the vicinity of our child

  • standing near to our child, and touching them in a simple calm way, like a hand on their shoulder (If they are receptive)

  • waiting patiently

2. Emotional Shyness

Sometimes the shyness we experience is not strong enough to bring in some Survival reactivity but it's still not enjoyable and can make holiday gatherings more challenging. 

Beforehand, in adults and children, Emotional Shyness can sound like:

  • Why do we go to parties like this?

  • Do we have to go?

  • When will it be done?

  • Who's going to be there?

  • Will I like the food there?

  • What do I wear?

  • Why do we always have to go to parties?

  • Everyone is going to be ______ (fill in the blank).

  • Do I have to talk to people?

We can help ourselves and our children out of Emotional Shyness beforehand by:

  • Asking them or ourselves how we're feeling – perhaps while getting ready or during the drive to the party

  • Naming all the feelings we're noticing – when adults lead the way, the kids will chime in and get feelings off their chest

  • Offering them and/or ourselves some empathy for the feelings – even just sounds of understanding work well here

  • Touching – we can put our own hand on our hearts and do small little circles, and if they are open to it, we can hold hands with our children, or hug. 


At the party, in adults and children, Emotional Shyness can come across as:

  • Awkward

  • Quiet

  • Not as clever as usual

  • Not as bright as usual

  • Not as funny as usual

  • Not as hungry as usual

  • Standing near the edges

  • Staying out of conversation

We can help ourselves and our children out of Emotional Shyness during the party by:

  • Continuing to check in with ourselves and name feelings. Naming some feelings while we take a bathroom break is a great technique

  • Continuing to check-in with our kids when they swing into our orbit, and ask them how they're feeling in that moment

  • Continuing to get touch – either keeping our hand on our hearts or finding a loved-one to put an arm around

  • Continuing to offer touch throughout the party – saying yes when they ask to sit on our laps, or even throwing out a high-five as they whiz past

Last but not least...

Don't forget to enjoy the connection that comes as we move through our feelings and get to enjoy one another even more!

Here's to you and yours! We're cheering for you and envisioning your best holiday season yet.

Much love,
Natalie & Nathan

By the way...

If you:

  • like how this sounds

  • want to discover more ways to calm shyness or overwhelm

  • and move through anxiety

  • and cultivate a sense of confidence in yourself and with the people you care about...

You might be a candidate for NeuroEmotional Coach Training!

Why You Don't Do Things

You know those things on your to-do list that you really should do? (Not in a self-flagelating, shamey, shoulding way... but) The things that would really impact your life in a meaningful way, but you still don't do them?

Can you think of your actual things...? 

We all have those things!
And we don't do those things!
Even when we really need to do them, and do them right now.

Why don't we do the important things? 

Here's the biggest reason why:

The vast majority of us got wired to react to emotion with our Survival System

How did that happen?

Well, we were little. Just tumbling about in our little bodies with our not-yet-completely developed Emotional System. And we had some feelings. We couldn't manage those on our own because we didn't have that aforementioned Emotional System built-out yet.

So, naturally, we went to our caregivers and they did the best they could. But for whatever reason it just wasn't quite enough of what we needed most. 

They were busy.
Or stressed-out.
Or mad.
Or not there.
Or well-meaning, but ineffectual.

We were left with the feelings, instead of being given ways to process and offload them. So our Survival System came to our "rescue" to help us get past emotional moments we couldn't process. That happened enough times over the course of our early years that we got trained (among other things) to:

  • Fight our feelings

  • Flee from our feelings

  • Freeze-up and wait for our feelings to pass

  • Use Appease to ignore our feelings and focus on others

Fast-forward several years, and when we see that task on our to-do list that invites some feelings, what happens? Our Survival System kicks into hyperdrive again and we:

Find something to rail against – our partners, our kids, the checkout clerk, the slow driver etc. (FIGHT)

  • Do anything but the stressful task  – shop, drink, clean out the silverware drawer, etc. (FLIGHT)

  • Power off – blank out, numb out, sleep more, etc. (FREEZE)

  • Say Yes to other things when we mean No – volunteer for something, drive someone somewhere, host something, etc. (APPEASE)

We're too busy being in Survival Mode to circle back to the list and do the hard or stressful thing that we actually want to be doing.


Every single thing we offer, teach, and do here at the Center for Emotional Education is geared toward undoing that programming.

Survival reactivity happens to us all! It's normal and we need it to actually survive. But we don't need it managing our to-do lists, our goals, or our feelings!

At the Center, we're interested in rebuilding nervous systems so that we can come up against emotion, work with it, and then keep right on going, doing all the tasks that build and nurture the life we want for ourselves.

We have 3 pathways one can follow:

  • Supporting Self

  • Supporting Others

  • Supporting Partnership

Which path is right for you right now?

This Friday we're offering Building the Entrepreneurial Nervous System which is an entry point to both the Supporting Self and Supporting Others pathways.

This free workshop is designed for entrepreneurs who know which tasks will grow their business, but their nervous systems won't let them do those tasks.

A business is only as strong as the nervous system(s) behind it.

Let's face it, the Survival System is great at tiger attacks but shitty at business (and everything else that's important).

Whether you're an entrepreneur or not, you deserve a nervous system that works for you, not against you.

Want to join us? You can use the button below to sign up.

Cheering you on as always!

Much love,
Natalie & Nathan

Heal the Entrepreneur, Grow the Business

Sending you lots of love and oomph as you start your week!
(We're making a smoothie and packing lunch.)

Our 30% off sale has two days left and if you can believe it, our...

renowned NeuroEmotional Coach Training is included in the sale.

They say if you want personal development then have children or start a business! We think of our training as a way to build your nervous system while building your business. It's a two-fer – personal growth and business growth.

Why not combine neuroscience with emotional processing to deepen your own healing and add a cutting-edge, science-backed modality to your business? 

Our next cohort starts January 22nd.

We're gathering with therapists, acupuncturists, body workers, life coaches, executives, healers, intuitives, teachers, entrepreneurs, and high achievers of all types who need effective, scalable strategies to address both personal and professional challenges.

This is your chance!

Use coupon code INCREDIBLE
to get $1,800 off NeuroEmotional Coaching
and your best career move yet.

Sale ends December 3, 2024

They Really Put THIS On Sale?

We hope your week is off to a delicious start!

Guess what!? 🧐

For the first time in the history of the Center for Emotional Education, we're having a...

November, 29 – December, 3 2024


gets you 30% off!


How's that for a fun announcement?! 🥳 

We've never done anything like this before. But it just seemed like the right thing at the right time...

If you've been wanting to get in on some (more!) of the goodness happening over here at the Center, we hope this will help make it more doable for you right now. (It's an especially amazing opportunity for anyone considering our Certification program...) 

Bottomline – we'd love to team up with you in any way we can!

Many blessings to you and yours,

And as always, we're sending you love,
Natalie, Nathan, and the CEE team

Sale Starts November 29, 2024

Got Strong Emotional Support Skills?

How's your November going? Ours is... 

The other day we witnessed this interaction:

Person A was feeling really low. They had the sense that they were on the outs with their group and no one liked them. They saw evidence of this everywhere and just wanted to give up and run away to find some other friends. 

Person B explained that none of this was true, and that this was not a healthy way to think. They said this person needed to relax, and forget about these concerns. 

Person A could tell that their friend didn't agree with their position and wanted him to stop talking about it. So he put on a brave face and said things like: "You're right." and "Ok man, I see where you're coming from."

When B walked away A realized that there were even fewer people he could talk to about this. His loneliness was even higher than before.

How would you do in this scenario? 

Would your friend feel better or worse?

When it comes down to it, how good are you at supporting others? And specifically, do you know your support strengths?

If you're wondering, maybe you want to take our Emotional Support Aptitude Test!


This is a quick, eye-opening assessment designed to help you understand your emotional support skills and show you the way to even stronger, healthier connections. This test is Level 1 of our Supporting Others Series and your first step toward becoming a deeply attuned, emotionally intelligent leader in your life and relationships.

Why Take the Emotional Support Aptitude Test?

  • Assess Your Emotional Support Skills: Do you know how to help someone navigate tough feelings? Which feelings are more difficult for you to support? This test will show you where you shine and where you can improve.

  • Understand the Impact You Have on Others: Emotional Support Isn't just about being present – it's about knowing how to respond in ways that help, rather than hinder. Get insights into how you offer support and where you might want to adjust.

  • Level Up Your Relationships: Whether you're a therapist, coach, parent, friend, partner, or leader, knowing how to effectively support others emotionally can dramatically deepen connection and trust.

This test is built for anyone who feels called to strengthen their impact, develop lasting connections, and understand the finer points of emotional support.

About the Supporting Others Pathway

Our six levels, beginning with the Emotional Support Aptitude Test, are designed to develop and transform how you handle upset, offer support, and connect meaningfully with others. For those who feel called to grow and make a difference, this pathway opens the door to deeper acumen and a stronger sense of self.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll discover about yourself!

Much love and many blessings to you and all those you support,
Natalie and Nathan

P.S. Know someone who would benefit from exploring their emotional support skills? Share this invitation with a friend and you can make the journey together!

New T-Shirt: When In Doubt, It's Grief

How's it going for you today?

We're doing alright...

We've got a whole smorgasbord of feelings, because we're human! Feelings are our strength in the war against the machines! (Joking...)

We do joke a lot around here. It's one way to work with emotion!

We've got a whole emotion-based line of jokes around what phrases we should put on a t-shirt.

  • "Everyone's an asshole in Survival Brain!"

  • "Don’t worry be happy — just kidding, I’m here for all the feelings."

  • "What doesn’t kill you… turns into PTSD"

  • "Feelings... Better Out than In!"

We recently joked about a t-shirt that says:
"When in Doubt... It's Grief."

Because Grief is a complicated emotion with many guises.

Grief can have us on Zillow, planning to buy a house in a foreign country.
It can have us under the covers planning to never face the light of day again.
It can have us maniacally stock-piling food and blankets.
Or have us impulsively cutting off all of our hair and selling all our clothes.

Grief sometimes comes with a side of fear and sleepless anxiety.
Other times it's paired with a rush of fury and resentment.
Still other times it comes with a love and a yearning so big and so deep we can't see anything else.

We grieve a lost loved-one, but also the loss of an era, loss of identity, loss of hope, loss of expectation, the loss of what we could have had, the loss of who we were before...

See, now, why our quippy t-shirt makes sense?
When in doubt as to what our current upset is rooted in, likely grief is playing a part.

Does this feel true for you?
If so...

We gently and loving invite you to:

The Grief Well 

Full Moon Ceremony
Friday November 15

The Grief Well is an opportunity to gather online with us and others across the globe from the comfort of your own private space, where we can be together with our feelings around the passing of our loved ones, around other sorrows or losses in our life, and/or around expectations or dreams that didn't materialize.

We’ll gently guide you through a simple but profound set of rites and practices that honour the depth of your grief, help you navigate some of the complex emotions in your grieving process, and support you in continuing to cultivate the love at the center of it all.

We don't have the t-shirts, but we do have this magnificent grief-alchemizing ceremony.

The Grief Well gives us a place to gather, without asking us to leave our own safe space.
And it gives us a place to gently be with, and honour, and express all the emotional manifestations of our grief.
The Grief Well is also a place for us to put it all down for a little while, so we can have a little peace, and maybe get a little more rest.

If you've been crushed under the weight of your grief, come to the Well.
If you've been bravely soldiering on, ignoring the hurt, come to the Well.
If you're looking for what to do next but you can't see through your own upset, come to the Well.
If you don't know what it is, but now you're thinking, "I might be grieving!" – please, come to the Well.

We'd love to share it with you. Wherever you are on your grief journey, you are welcome with us.
(And please feel free to pass this on to anyone else you think could use it right now, too.)

In love and empathy.

Toolkit for Election Stress

How is your day going so far? 

Some people are feeling a little turmoil on this US election day. 
Some folks are feeling more than a little turmoil and are on their way to feeling stress, anxiety, worry, or panic.
And still others are even further activated, tipping all the way into Survival Mode in some form(s) or another.

This makes perfect sense.

An election, especially one so historically close in the polls, brings huge uncertainty for so many of us. And with uncertainty comes all kinds of emotion and stress reactions.

So whether it's inviting some Survival reactivity, or just lots of feelings, we have a couple of things that to share with you to make today, the next several days, or any day easier.

Starting at the more extreme end of the spectrum... SURVIVAL MODE 

You're likely near or in a Survival State if:

  • You don't even know how you feel

  • You can't concentrate

  • You can't sit still or can't get up

  • You are eating unconsciously or not eating at all

  • Things seem too loud, too fast, too complicated

  • Nothing is going right

  • You want to just quit and run away, maybe for good

  • You want to yell at someone

  • You can't stop trying to find and fix "fires"

  • Your jaw is clenched

  • Your shoulders are up and tight

  • Your stomach is churning

  • Your arm pits are sweaty

If this is you today, here are 3 things to repeat again and again, all day(s):


1. Take stock of your body.

You don't have to relax your shoulders or your jaw, but notice that indeed you do possess shoulders and a jaw. What other body parts can you inventory? Can you wiggle your baby toe? Or, flex your glutes? 
Any time you focus on noticing the parts of your body (especially if you lightly touch them as well), you will turn down your cortisol levels.


2. Extend your exhale.

Take a good strong, quick-ish inhale. Then slowly exhale, making your exhale take twice as long as your inhale. Breathe fully into the base of your belly, and then slowly exhale it all the way out. If you like to count, maybe breathe in for a count of 4, and then breathe out for a count of 8. 
Repeat this breath ten times, and as often as you think to do so.
Every time you exhale longer than you inhale, you are cueing your nervous system to move out of Survival Mode.


3. Move slowly

When feeling this level of stress, the inclination is to move fast and rough. The idea, here, is to counter the stress by purposely slowing down. This is counter-intuitive, but highly effective. Getting up to go to the bathroom? Walk as slow as a tortoise, or as a monk on a walk in the woods. Grabbing your purse to head out the door? Switch on slo-mo and see how slowly you can do this everyday action.
Every time you purposely slow your movements, thoughts, or responses, you send messages of safety to your nervous system.

Next let's look at tools to use when things haven't reached a Survival level, but the stress is bringing on A DELUGE OF UNCOMFORTABLE FEELINGS

You know you're in an (uncomfortable) Emotional State when:

  • You have a long list of all the bad things that could happen or are happening

  • You want to talk to other people and see if they share your concerns

  • You keep reading the news or looking for more information

  • You keep asking "What are we going to do?"

  • You keep wondering "Are we (ever) going to be okay?"

  • You keep lamenting that "Things are always so stressful."

  • Your face is scrunched up

  • You're crying (or trying not to cry)

  • Your posture is droopy

If this is you today, here are 3 things to repeat again and again, all day(s).


1. Tell the story.

Why are you upset? Give yourself permission to answer this in lengthy detail. Open up a journal page or a fresh wordprocessing doc, and pour the words onto the page. Don't hold back or try to be fair or accurate. Give yourself fully over to the "drama" of how you feel and why.
Every time we give ourselves permission to be upset, we release some of the upset.


2. Name the feelings.

Thinking back over your story, or tuning in to yourself at any point during the day, what actual feelings are you feeling? See if you can name at least three current feelings using this list. Get specific, and don't try to talk yourself into feelings you aren't actually experiencing.
Every time we specifically name the emotions we're feeling, we decrease their potency.


3. Add some connection.

Get some physical touch. Put your own hand on your heart, the nape of the neck, or your forehead. Feel the impact of that tender contact. If you have a loved-one that will just hug you for a minute or two, go ahead and ask them for just that. They need not do anything other than boringly stand there and hug.
Get in touch with how your feelings show up in your body. Tune into the emotions you named, and notice which one is currently biggest. And then see, is it doing something in your body? Bringing heat, prickliness, tension, cold, tingles, throbs? Give into noticing the sensations without trying to change them. Then track them for a couple minutes.
Say something touching to yourself. What are some kind and understanding words you would like to hear? Go ahead and say them to yourself. Despite the awkwardness, say these loving words out loud to yourself, using your own name, and notice how that feels.
Every time we offer ourself connection around our feelings they soften and lift.

Not every day is a crucial election day, but most days bring in some Survival reactivity and every day invites a lot of feelings. These tools we're sharing with you are for every day use! And, as a reminder...

When we're facing a particularly challenging day or week or month, we definitely want to use our tools more frequently and more intentionally. 

We're thinking of you, today and every day.

And sending you so much love,
Natalie and Nathan

More Resources and Courses of Action:

NeuroEmotional Coach Training – Learn the tools and use them to support yourself and others

Full-time Grievers Podcast – Get the support your grief needs

Dear EQ, What Do I Do? – Receive the specific guidance your particular tricky situation needs

The Real EQ Test – How emotionally intelligent are you?

The Emotional Support Aptitude Test – Do you have what it takes to actually help other people feel better?

Grieving? Get Some Support With Our New Podcast

How's it going for you? Are you embracing the shift from harvest time to winter time? 

For many of us (even traditionally), this season is one in which we get in touch, sometimes uncomfortably, with our grief. They say the "veil is thin" at this time of year. Among other things, this means we can deeply feel the people we love who have crossed over, and our enduring connection with them.

We know personally what this can be like.

In resonance with this time and with others currently in bereavement, we're reaching out to you today – with a little nervousness, some hope, and a lot of tenderness – to announce the launch of a new podcast for people in a grieving process: 

This podcast is brought to you through a wonderful collaboration between our own Nathan M McTague, and Selysa Love of the Sacramento Reiki Center. 

Full-Time Grievers is dedicated to exploring the often complex and deeply personal journey of living with grief. However you’re navigating it, and wherever you are in your grieving, Full-Time Grievers is here to provide support, insight, and strategies for every step of the process.


Full-Time Grievers launches today, October 30th, with the first three episodes!

Whether you’re in the midst of a grieving process or supporting someone through theirs, this podcast aims to offer guidance, understanding, and hope.

We invite you to listen, to please share, and to join us in fostering more compassionate and healing space for all who grieve among us.

To find out more, stay up on our current most popular episodes, and to get your free guide – How to Receive Support While Grieving – please click the button below.

If you like what you hear, please leave us a little review on the platform where you're tuning in to help other folks find it. 

Big love to you,
Natalie and Nathan

Therapy vs Life Coaching vs NeuroEmotional Coaching

We hope this finds you well, with the day moving sweetly and treating you tenderly.

Are you (like us...) an emotional support connoisseur?

What kinds of emotional support do you like?

❑ Chit chat
❑ Therapy
❑ Life coaching
❑ Energy work
❑ Counseling
❑ NeuroEmotional Coaching
❑ Other
❑ All of the above!

We're all different, and no matter what our preference may be for how we get emotional support, the most important thing is that we get some! Humans aren't meant to do the work of humaning without it.

We're proponents of every kind of support that serves!

Along these lines, we often get asked...

How does NeuroEmotional Coaching differ from therapy or life coaching?

It's a great question!

NeuroEmotional Coaching vs Therapy
Though NeuroEmotional Coaches practice deep listening, and emotional exploration, like a good therapist does, we never tell a client what they should do with their life.

Instead we help clients regularly get into a brain state where they know what they should do with their life. 

NeuroEmotional Coaching vs Life coaching
Though NeuroEmotional Coaches will look toward the future with clients and help them act according to their life vision, we will never do that instead of, or before, helping clients process the feelings that stand in the way of that vision.

Our NeuroEmotional Coaching modality bridges the gap between traditional therapy and life coaching, integrating the latest neuroscience, deep emotional co-processing, and comprehensive nervous system reprogramming to support profound, sustainable change. 

(If you want to nerd out further on this topic [like us!], here are some more details. If not, feel free to skip this section!)

  • Focus on Emotional Processing and Brain Rewiring
    Our modality is designed to help clients identify and shift deep-rooted emotional patterns at a neurological level. Unlike traditional therapy, which often focuses primarily on processing past trauma, NeuroEmotional Coaching employs methods to rewire the brain's responses. The goal is to create new synaptic pathways that support healthier emotional outcomes.

  • Integrative Approach to the Nervous System
    Especially relevant for clients who struggle with chronic overwhelm, anxiety, or depression – NeuroEmotional Coaching goes beyond the cognitive focus of life-coaching by acknowledging and working directly with the body's nervous system responses. Among other approaches, techniques involve somatic work, which helps clients recognize and recalibrate their nervous system responses to activating stimuli, fostering greater resilience and emotional stability in real time.

  • Tools for Immediate, Practical Application
    NeuroEmotional Coaching equips clients with tools designed for quick integration into daily life. While therapy can sometimes remain abstract and life-coaching can be overly goal-centric, our modality teaches actionable strategies, allowing clients to work with and regulate their emotions on the go. This includes tools that work with Survival, Emotional, and Executive Brain states, helping clients to consciously respond rather than primally react.

  • Goal-Oriented, Yet Healing-Focused
    While NeuroEmotional Coaching, like life coaching, is forward-driven and goal-oriented, it doesn't overlook the healing and integrative aspects often emphasized in therapy. Our modality supports clients to address and mend emotional wounds that block them from reaching their goals, balancing self-awareness, personal growth, and actionable outcomes.

  • Client Agency and Self-Regulation
    NeuroEmotional Coaching emphasizes client agency by training them in techniques that promote their own emotional regulation and adaptive interdependence, blending the reflective nature of therapy with the proactive structure of coaching. This empowers clients to not just process emotions in healthy ways, but to also actively reshape how they experience and manage them. Our modality is also designed to support clients to consciously and consistently activate their own Executive Brain state, so they are clear, focused, and able to act in full alignment with who they authentically are.

If these distinctions pique your interest, and NeuroEmotional Coaching has caught your eye, there's two options from here!

1. Schedule a complimentary "Feel Better Already" session to explore what this modality can do for you.
2. Get trained to be a NeuroEmotional Coach! The world needs skilled practitioners like you.

And in any case,

Whether you get your emotional support needs met by a coffee date with a friend, or regular sessions with a practitioner, we are cheering for you!

Tender hearts need tender care, and we want everyone to get that.

Big love to you,
Natalie and Nathan

Raising Emotional Ambassadors

This weekend our youngest daughter's boyfriend was lamenting the fact that his bestie is going through a heartbreak and is so sad, but won't take any of the advice he's offered.

Our daughter, very casually and simply, shared some information about the three brain states: Survival, Emotional, and Executive. And that when someone is operating from the Emotional System they really can't hear or follow advice. The mission of that system is to be seen, heard, and understood, not guided, advised, or logic-ed.

She also shared some basic tips for supporting someone in Emotional Brain, like:

  • Making murmurs of understanding

  • Asking some curiosity questions

  • Saying empathetic phrases like: "Oh that makes sense." and "Oh yeah, I totally get that."

  • And letting them tell and re-tell the same stories as many times as they are compelled

Eventually the boyfriend said: "Hey! That's what you need me to do with you sometimes!"

Cue the balloons and confetti, folks!!

Our work here is done and we can hang up our NeuroEmotional Ambassador hats...

We jest, we jest!

We're not going anywhere. We love this work and we will never stop doing it.

But seriously, as a parent you can really feel deep despair about how harsh and nonsensical the world can be. One of our biggest fears has been sending our children out there where they wouldn't be able to get the kind of tender neuroemotional support they get at home, and that every human needs. 

But as this little vignette so perfectly illustrates – if we support our loved-ones well, and model healthy emotional behavior, then they will bring it with them, and cultivate their world as they move through it

That brings such hope and optimism!

So here's to all of you.

Those of you that open these newsletters and glean all the tips, those that tear through our mini courses, those that invest in one of our trainings, and to all of you that are out there trying hard to learn all you can and be the best emotional model you can be for the ones you love.

You're making a difference. Thank you for all that you do.

Much love and appreciation,
Natalie and Nathan

P.S. If you want to learn how to be a professional-level emotional support person for your clients, family, and friends, it's time to enroll in the 2025 term of NeuroEmotional Coach Training.

After this training you will know exactly what to do and say any time someone you care about is upset.

Registration is open, training starts Jan 22