3 Words for Moving Forward — The Center for Emotional Education

3 Words for Moving Forward

We have a cool exercise for you, do you want to try it? This one might be nice for after a bath, or during your lunch break. It's an eye-opener, heart supporter, and idea sparker. ✨

With this exercise you will:

  • Identify three key needs from the past present and future

  • Drain off emotion that is eddying around these needs

  • Take a small action to immediately meet a present need

  • Begin to design a structure that supports your future self's top need 

There are 3 steps. You'll need this Needs List for each step.

1. Past Need

Looking over the past year, or even the past several years — what is the highest priority need that went largely unmet? What is something you really needed, and did not get enough of?

Can you recall a few scenes from your past to help bring this need into clearer focus? 

Write that top-tier need down.

Step 1 will likely bring up feelings, because unmet needs in our past can bring up uncomfortable feelings in our present. Even if we were to meet this need today, it wouldn't take away the feelings that have come from that need not being met in the past.

Past unmet needs can only be addressed by meeting the emotional needs of the present.

So go ahead and name three feelings that are present today, that rise from this unmet need of the past.

  • Are you able to stay with these feelings for a bit? 

  • Where are they in your body?

  • What sensations are there with them?

  • What words do they say?

(You can write this part down too.)

Can you stay here, listening to these feelings? Can you breathe into them? Can you open to them and let them move through? 

(This may take several minutes. Crying is normal.)

Good work. You're ready for the next step.

2. Present Need

Tune into your present experience, your existence right now in this minute. Can you name a top-tier need from the list? 

How can you tell this is a need? What complaints, noticings, or desires show you that you have this need?

Write this top-tier need down.

Meeting our top needs in the present doesn't take away feelings from the past, but can prevent further activation of new emotion.

That being said, naming your present-tense, top-tier need can bring up additional pre-existing feelings. It's easy to see all the ways in which this need is not getting met. We may be inclined to notice all the ways that the other people in our lives are failing to meet this need. If this is happening for you, see if you can name the feelings you have about this present need not being met.

Are you able to stay with these feelings, just like you did in Step 1?

(You'll know when you're ready to move on. Give yourself time. Crying is normal.)

Now, brainstorm a couple easy ways you can meet this need for yourself. Right now.

Here are some examples.

Need: Ease
• Is there something you can put off until tomorrow?
• Are there leftovers you can heat up instead of cooking?
• Can you switch your tight pants for some comfy ones?

Need: Order
• Can you rewrite your to-do list on a cleaner sheet of paper?
• Want to give the floor a sweep? Or take out the recycling?
• Do you want to print out a calendar for the year and tape it to the fridge?

Present-tense needs respond well to emotional processing, and small actions.

Do something that meets your present-tense, top-tier need, and then come back for Step 3.

3. Future Need

Now that you've drained off a bunch of feelings, and met at least one of your pressing needs with a small direct action, your neurochemistry is likely primed to be able to consider the future.

If you're going to live into the most magnetic, optimal, successful version of yourself, what is the most essential need that must be met? What is the top-tier need for your future self?

Write this need down.

Are feelings swarming in again? Feeling some worry that you won't be able to meet this need and live into your best self? What a totally normal response! If this is happening for you, go ahead and identify feelings again. Can you name three?

Are you able to take the time to feel these and hear what they have to say? You can use the prompts from Step 1 to do so.

(When some optimism has slipped back in, or at least some hope, you're likely ready to continue.)

What are some foundational or structural changes you can make to meet the top-tier need that your future self is relying on? How can you start to implement them?

Here are some examples.

Need: Community
• Make a list of who you'd like to be in deeper community with. How can you structure your week to overlap with them more?

Need: Authenticity
• What support is available to help you stay regulated and authentic in social and creative pursuits? Is there a course you want to enroll in or a practitioner you'd like to hire?

Need: Trust
• How often do you engage in rituals of trust? Do you need to schedule a time each week to connect with a higher power? Or a time to list all the magical signs you're receiving from the Universe?

Future needs are best met with foundational, structural, organizational, action.

You did it!

Now you have:

  • A list of 3 key needs

  • A sense of what feelings are up for you around these needs

  • Ways to be with these feelings

  • Actions you can take to meet present and future needs

How was that for you?

Was this exercise useful?

Let us know, we'd love to hear!
