Our Blog
Research, Stories, and Love
The Center for Emotional Education Blog
Weekly source of Tips, Stories, and Love
Every week we share the connections between neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and emotional success.
“Feel Better Already” Strategy Session
Our Complimentary 1:1 Support Offering
Spend some time with us, telling us where you'd like to be in your life - what that looks like, what it tastes like, what it feels like, and also what your life is like now - the good, the bad, the ugly.
We'll discuss how to get from point A to point B without becoming something you're not, or something you loathe.
Our intention for these calls is to show up in service and support to you, and if we are a resonant match we can discuss what it would look like to continue to work together.
Full-Time Grievers Podcast
A Deep-Dive Into the Turbulent Waters of Bereavement
Grief can be so isolating. This podcast provides companionship and comfort to fellow grievers, and guidance to those who are supporting a full-time griever.
The Center for Emotional Education’s co-founder, Nathan M McTague and Selysa Love from the Sacramento Reiki Center, share what has worked for them in their grieving journeys, and with hundreds of their clients.
Join them as they explore the complexities of mourning, share personal stories, and offer practical tools for working with grief.
Free Gifts
Get started now on your Emotional Sovereignty journey!
Free Gifts for You
Brain State Identification and Strategies
Top 8 Signs You're Suffering From Disconnection
Alleviate Anxiety Already Workshop