But they’ve also struggled in business.
Natalie and Nathan met and got to know each other managing the front staff at what was then the only all-vegetarian restaurant in the entire state of Montana. They went on to start multiple businesses individually and together. Most of them didn’t work. Or rather, most of them, Natalie and Nathan didn’t know how to work. They put in way too many hours and they got way too little return each time.
One business, called Feeleez: an Empathy Game for Children, they created with a colleague, and was a brilliant product with a great profit margin and broad appeal. And while it could easily have been a million dollar idea or more – at that time, Natalie and Nathan couldn’t get themselves to be salespeople. So when their business partner moved on, the business never made enough profit to go anywhere.
Along the way, having a family, and wanting to both provide for and be with their children, they got training in life coaching so they could work from home. And around the same time Feeleez was taking off and going nowhere, they began to mentor other parents. So the little hatchling that would grow into the full-fledged Center for Emotional Education was born, then remained anemic for nearly a decade, because they didn’t know how to run it any better than any other business they’d started but the overhead was next to nothing.
Ten years in, they were finally able to get some coaching, themselves, on what to do with their business. They learned how to market without becoming some smarmy version of themselves they would hate. They got templates, and guides, and all the know-how they needed. And it helped! But only a little bit at first…
Because (while they’d been growing and learning about a whole lot more than just business in that time) they were still practically the same people they’d always been with respect to their business(es), and they had never successfully faced the many trials of entrepreneurship, or of putting yourself out there with your work. They still had wounds around being seen, and around being perfect, and around their gifts not being wanted.
So there they were – with the keys in their hands, and no idea in the world how to make themselves use them. Until…
Eventually it got so bad, it was either quit trying to run the Center or make something different happen. And that’s when it hit them. Because of the powerful NeuroEmotional work they did with their clients, they had the very tools they needed to get unblocked, get into the right state to run their business well, and change their programing around being entrepreneurs. So that’s exactly what they did.
Each and every time they went to work on their business, they used their NeuroEmotional tools to empower themselves for work. And over time, those tools helped to reprogram how each of their nervous systems related to being an entrepreneur and all the things they had to do as business owners who offer NeuroEmotional Coaching, courses, and support tools.
They even got so good at it and their business took off with such success, that Nathan wound up being invited to contract with the business academy that had helped them, in order to support their other clients to have the same level of success. Nathan went on to study exactly what was blocking those who got blocked and exactly what worked to unblock them. Then Natalie and Nathan teamed up to bring all that data, wisdom, and strategy to bear for the clients of the Center, where their signature method continues to have profound effects.
Between the two of them, Natalie and Nathan have now helped hundreds of other entrepreneurs in particular, at various levels of experience and scale, to break out of cycles of procrastination and overwhelm, learn how to manage stress, anxiety, and shame that blocks their progress, and redevelop how they work. They do all this by helping their clients and students to Build their own Entrepreneurial Nervous System.
No matter what you’ve tried before or how bad it’s been, they can help you, too.