What *is* Nervous System Reprogramming Anyway?

Have you ever had your life's work become trendy and get turned into buzzwords that make for beautiful Instagram posts but that also dilute the importance and warp the facts of it?

It sucks!

And... It happens for us a lot.

The latest phrase to be making the rounds these days is:


Nervous System Reprogramming

And suddenly everyone's an expert. 


  • What is it exactly?

  • Why do we want it?

  • How do we get it?

What is Nervous System Reprogramming?

At the most basic level, to reprogram your nervous system means to change your automatic, habitual, adapted reactions to stimuli. Generally the trend now is in relation to changing how one's nervous system relates to stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and other activating ("trigger") elements of daily living.

Why Reprogram Our Nervous System?

Many of us want to respond to regular life stressors with ease, calm, gentility, and flexibility, but find that, despite our best intentions, we react instead with yelling, bailing out, binge drinking or tv watching, sacrificing our own wellbeing for the sake of others, and other problematic behaviors.

If we don't reprogram our nervous systems to find things less activating, we just keep repeating actions and reactions that we don't prefer. This leads to limited personal potential, lost opportunities, self-sabotage, disconnection with ourselves and others, health issues, and other problems.

How to Reprogram our Nervous System?

  • You watch a 30 second video on social media and voila!

  • You buy a 21-day pre-recorded course and you're all done!

Just kidding!!!!!!!!!

Nervous System Reprogramming actually requires the application of the proper techniques, at the right moments, with longterm consistency. And when we combine all three, over time we build new pathways in the brain that translate throughout the nervous system.

It's a bit like this...

We're cruising along the straight and easy road of life...

Then, something stressful happens, and our historical programming kicks in (blocking the way we'd prefer to go), and suddenly we're skidding down the familiar, uncomfortable road of (old) destructive habits.

Nervous system reprogramming starts when we learn new tools to use during stressful moments, and we've practiced them enough that we can employ the right tool at the right (stressful) time.

When we do this, we're able to bypass the road of destructive habits.

If we use the right tool each time we come across a stressful moment, every day, throughout the day, for months on end...

We develop a new neural habit.

Our brain recognizes that this is now the more common way that we react, so this new pathway gets myelinated and becomes our new default, automatic reaction – our new programming.

When we lean into Nervous System Reprogramming and keep using our tools, we no longer have to try to avoid stressful moments. We can go anywhere we want, be anybody we want, and do anything we want because our nervous system has new healthy ways of managing.

Where to Learn the Tools?

Every single offering through the Center is designed for Nervous System Reprogramming. Choose one of our paths, start on the level that's right for you, and away you go.

The upcoming term of NeuroEmotional Coach Training is an opportunity to...

Support your own Nervous System Reprogramming while learning how to guide clients, partners, children, and anyone else you care about, to set up their nervous system for healthier neural habits!

(And if you don't wind up working with us for this important work, please choose a course that is trusted, comprehensive, and honest. You're worth it!)

We're holding sessions to interview likely candidates for Coach Training. If this is you, now's your chance! And if you have someone in mind that might love this opportunity, please send them this email!

Here's to gorgeous, thriving, flexible nervous systems!