Natalie and Nathan know EVERYTHING. Really beautiful and layered course. About being a better person. About coming back to yourself. About going to the source. About feeling the feelings. The safest place on Earth to be.
— Ema
Our work together has profoundly impacted mine and my family’s lives and has given me a grounded confidence in my ability to connect and nourish relationships for years to come. I know how to do it!
— Michelle
Emotional Sovereignty School was a profound experience with so many practical strategies for managing my emotions so that they don’t manage me! The container of safety was amazing and the support given by Nathan and Natalie, as well as the whole community, made me open up and feel safe sharing deeply.

I would recommend this course for anyone who has emotions... yep, that’s everyone! :-)
— Betty Louise
Participating in the Better at Boundaries Masterclass offered by the The Center for Emotional Education has been a deeply empowering experience. The insight, which Natalie and Nathan offer in this course, comes in an incredibly well structured and highly engaging form. I was able to integrate that which we worked with during the course into my own life immediately. 

More than a year afterwards, I am confident that every single one of the most important relationships in my life has benefited greatly from the knowledge and practices I was introduced to here. A transformed understanding of the concept of boundaries has enabled me to remain available, grounded and in connection in otherwise challenging moments of life. I keep coming back to class content regularly and I keep rediscovering its powerful and gentle messages. I’m so grateful I had a chance to be part of this learning environment.
— Hanna
Taking this course has been the most important and loving thing I’ve done for myself in recent memory. Thank you for this incredible experience.
— Nico
Deciding to participate in Emotional Sovereignty School was one of the best investments in myself I’ve ever made.

The information I learned is transformative, and it is positively impacting my family and my work relationships, as well. The framework Nathan & Natalie have developed was paradigm shifting for me, and the tools are accessible and actionable. I am benefitting from this course every day. So thankful for its role in my growth!
— Kim
Natalie and Nathan brought sunshine into my life when I was stuck in the rain. They’re the most authentic, nurturing, creative, generous, smart, hard-working and emotionally sovereign souls! This work has been an incredibly humbling experience with my limited identity to giving me the freedom and unconditional support to unlimited space now. I feel empowered and so honoured to be part of this emotional revolution.

The course has a quality and dimension of its own with a perfect blend of practical templates and notes, making it so much easier to learn and implement everything practically. It is really TRANSFORMATIONAL work.
Highly recommended.
— Manu Shree
I am a coach and have been involved with (and obsessed with) personal development and healing for the past 25 years. I was good at feeling my feelings, but Emotional Sovereignty School has helped me take this work to a whole new level. An entire world is opening for me in my self-awareness and my healing.

There’s a freedom here, a spaciousness. What’s been most amazing is to have the experience of being on my own team in my healing and growth. I hold space for, and process, my emotions with greater courage and ease... and am doing so for others in a way that is magical. 
— Annique
Emotional Sovereignty School taught me how to better stay in tune with the connection between my body and emotions allowing me to have freedom of choice in my responses to daily challenges.
— Nikki
This course has given me confidence to work in the way that I want to work and this has come from the support and dedication that Nathan and Natalie have given to the development of this work. I am immensely grateful for their commitment to this work and to their emotional intelligence and kindness that shines from them. 

I am continuously learning from them and they offer knowledge which is hard to find elsewhere. My own healing practice has been transformed by this course and by the one to one coaching work I do with Natalie.
— Sarah
Emotional Sovereignty School is the epicenter of the the NEEDS BOMB that went off in my brain and cleared the artificial surface I had all these years. For I had hid from what I need most until this course: connection, nurturing and so much more. I learned how do deal with my upsets and a vibrant rainbow of ways to help anyone during theirs.
— Jeana
Why is this material not required to be a human on this planet?
— Tasia
I’m feeling closer to my husband, my kids, and my real purpose in life than ever before, and I’m sure it’s because of my work with you. I feel like if I just apply the few things you’ve taught me my life trajectory will be different forever! Of course, I’m looking forward to working with you more this year as well and am excited at what possibilities that may bring.
— Jessica
In Emotional Sovereignty School I realized I’m a bully, and that was a huge blow to my ego. I’ve had to really unwrap my truth.

This class has gifted me a safe space to receive clarity of self. It’s been an enormously wonderful experience to feel and witness my own transformation of how I interact with the world I live in. I’m kinder, softer and more gentle with myself and others.
— Venus
It’s difficult to put my experience into words. I feel somewhat transcended from all my “issues”. I feel like I have been re-connected to some sort of ancient wisdom as to how to deal with my feelings, and those of others, and what I have learnt in this course supports me from moment to moment in my daily life now. It wasn’t a course I had to “study”. The knowledge makes so much sense and is easy to apply, if you’re willing to do the work.

I feel like a different human, reconnected to my source of energy and wisdom because my survival and emotional brain is no longer running my life.
— Shannon
Emotional Sovereignty School has been an absolute game-changer for me and how I approach caring for myself and my loved ones when we are triggered. I’m much less in my head/intellect and more able to be in my body and with the truth of what’s going on for me. I’m learning to be with what IS and be tender with myself, accepting all emotions as mattering, rather than running in circles trying to make them something other than what they are in the moment. Instead of focusing on “shoulds” and what others might want from me, instead of pretending and distracting myself with busyness, I am able to sink in and care for myself, and to feel less lost in the sea of conflicting thoughts/desires, and zero in on caring for my fleeing/fighting/freezing/appeasing self first, with love and compassion.
— Elizabeth
I still can’t believe I’ve had the good fortune of being counseled by Natalie. Her approach and guidance are unparalleled, and the focus on emotional health and wellness is the thread that ties everything in your life together. Natalie and The Center for Emotional Education are pure gold.

There is nothing more empowering than becoming emotionally sovereign. Change how you experience your world through these nurturing, supportive, unconditional courses.
— Kate
“I loved the Better at Boundaries Mini-course- It was mind blowing for me. It reframed boundaries from a word I cringed at to something that now feels validating and care-giving.
Thank you!
— Kristen