“Our work together has profoundly impacted mine and my family’s lives and has given me a grounded confidence in my ability to connect and nourish relationships for years to come. I know how to do it!”
“NeuroEmotional Coach Training has fundamentally enhanced all my relationships and the work I offer to the world.
The NeuroEmotional Map that now guides my life provides an elegant pathway & unique skills to support myself, my family, friends, clients and students in the most compassionate, nourishing, effective way.
I can now welcome ALL of life and ALL of myself ~ this has been integral in my own personal healing and capacity to create an extra ordinary life.
Training with Natalie and Nathan is unparalleled. I am so grateful.
“This course has given me confidence to work in the way that I want to work and this has come from the support and dedication that Nathan and Natalie have given to the development of this work. I am immensely grateful for their commitment to this work and to their emotional intelligence and kindness that shines from them.
I am continuously learning from them and they offer knowledge which is hard to find elsewhere. My own healing practice has been transformed by this course and by the one to one coaching work I do with Natalie.”
“Natalie and Nathan guided us with tenderness and truth into the depths of the three brain states — how to identify where clients are (little and big clients) and how to hold them with tenderness and grace. As I bring this work to my private and work world, I feel confident and grateful that I get to pass along this information to my co-parenting team and many others in my life. I find that this work complements my work as a Shamanic Healer, as I wanted to learn about holding space to witness pre-healing.
I will carry this work with me for the rest of my life.”
“Why is this material not required to be a human on this planet?”
“NeuroEmotional Coach Training is the course we should have all taken in high school. This information is the key to functional and constructive relationships with self and others. If humankind was learning this level of emotional intelligence, we would have a far more functional and peaceful world. ”
“Natalie-Nathan brought sunshine into my life when I was stuck in the rain. They’re the most authentic, nurturing, creative, generous, smart, hard-working and emotionally sovereign souls!
This work has been an incredibly humbling experience with my limited identity to giving me the freedom and unconditional support to unlimited space now. I feel empowered and so honoured to be part of this emotional revolution.
The course has a quality and dimension of its own with a perfect blend of practical templates and notes, making it so much easier to learn and implement everything practically. It is really TRANSFORMATIONAL work.
Highly recommended. ”