It may be possible to…

get federal funding to reimburse you for a large majority of your enrollment fee!

The Department of Labor and Industry provides grants to ease the cost of training for employees in small businesses - including sole-proprietorships.

Each state and region of that state have different requirements, but it’s absolutely worth finding out if your state will cover your tuition.

To find out about possible grants, click the link below that pertains to your state.

When searching for this grant, look for “Incumbent Worker Training Program” in your state, or in your county.

Details vary by state.

Submit application at least 20 days before Emotional Sovereignty School starts!

School starts August 1st, 2024

Information you may need as you apply for the grant:

  • What are the benefits that Emotional Sovereignty School provides for your business, in terms of retaining workforce, increasing industry competitive edge, and averting layoffs?

1. Workforce Retention

  • Improved Relationships: High Emotional Intelligence fosters better relationships between employees and management. Managers who are emotionally intelligent can recognize and address the needs and concerns of their team, creating a supportive work environment.

  • Reduced Stress and Burnout: EQ helps in identifying and managing stress within the workplace. This leads to reduced burnout rates, as employees feel more supported and understood.

  • Higher Job Satisfaction: Employees are more likely to feel valued and satisfied when their emotional needs are met. This satisfaction translates to higher retention rates.

  • Conflict Resolution: High EQ enables effective conflict resolution. Managers with EQ can mediate disputes calmly and fairly, preventing escalation and maintaining a harmonious work environment.

2. Competitive Edge

  • Enhanced Communication: EQ improves communication skills, leading to clearer, more effective interactions within the team and with clients or customers.

  • Innovation and Creativity: An emotionally intelligent workplace encourages open expression and collaboration, fostering innovation and creative problem-solving.

  • Adaptability: EQ equips leaders and employees with the skills to adapt to change more efficiently, maintaining productivity and morale during transitions.

  • Customer Relations: Employees with high EQ are better at managing customer interactions, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Averting Layoffs

  • Proactive Problem-Solving: EQ enables leaders to foresee potential issues and address them before they escalate, maintaining business stability and preventing drastic measures like layoffs.

  • Employee Development: By understanding employees' strengths and weaknesses, emotionally intelligent leaders can invest in targeted development programs, enhancing the overall skill set of the workforce and reducing the need for layoffs.

  • Cost Management: High EQ in leadership can lead to better decision-making regarding resource allocation and cost management, making the business more resilient during economic downturns.

  • Employee Engagement: Engaged employees are more productive and less likely to leave, reducing turnover costs and the financial strain of hiring new staff.

In summary, increased emotional intelligence creates a supportive, adaptive, and innovative work environment that retains talent, enhances competitive edge, and enables proactive strategies to avoid layoffs. By focusing on emotional intelligence, businesses can build a resilient, high-performing workforce that drives long-term success.

  • What are the benefits does Emotional Sovereignty School provide to the employee, in terms of increasing productivity, efficiencies, and wages?

Emotional intelligence (EQ), as developed through Emotional Sovereignty School, plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity, efficiencies, and wages within a business. Here are the benefits of EQ in these areas:

Increasing Productivity

  1. Enhanced Team Collaboration: EQ fosters better teamwork and collaboration. Employees with high EQ communicate more effectively, understand each other's emotions, and work together harmoniously, leading to increased productivity.

  2. Motivation and Engagement: Emotionally intelligent leaders can inspire and motivate their teams, creating a more engaged and driven workforce. Engaged employees are more productive and committed to their tasks.

  3. Effective Stress Management: High EQ helps individuals manage stress better, maintaining high levels of performance even under pressure. This leads to sustained productivity over time.

  4. Goal Setting and Achievement: EQ aids in setting realistic and attainable goals. Emotionally intelligent individuals can align their personal goals with organizational objectives, driving productivity through clear and focused efforts.

Increasing Efficiencies

  1. Improved Decision-Making: EQ contributes to better decision-making by allowing individuals to consider emotions, both their own and others', leading to more balanced and effective choices.

  2. Conflict Resolution: Efficient conflict resolution is a hallmark of high EQ. By addressing conflicts promptly and effectively, emotionally intelligent employees minimize disruptions and maintain workflow efficiency.

  3. Adaptability: Emotionally intelligent individuals are more adaptable to change. They can quickly adjust to new processes or technologies, improving overall operational efficiency.

  4. Resource Management: EQ aids in better resource management. Emotionally intelligent leaders can assess and allocate resources based on the team's emotional and practical needs, optimizing the use of available resources.

Increasing Wages

  1. Enhanced Performance: As productivity and efficiencies increase, the overall performance of the organization improves. High-performing companies often reward their employees with higher wages and bonuses.

  2. Employee Retention: High EIQ leads to better employee retention. Companies that retain top talent save on hiring and training costs, enabling them to invest more in their existing workforce through wage increases.

  3. Attracting Top Talent: Companies known for high EQ are attractive to top talent. To attract and retain the best employees, these companies often offer competitive wages.

  4. Profitability and Growth: EQ contributes to the overall profitability and growth of a company. As the company grows and becomes more profitable, it has more financial flexibility to increase wages.

Overall Impact

  • Work Environment: A workplace with high EQ is generally more positive and supportive, leading to increased job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. This stability contributes to sustained productivity and efficiency gains.

  • Leadership Development: Emotionally intelligent leaders are better equipped to mentor and develop their teams. This development creates a cycle of continuous improvement and innovation, further boosting productivity and efficiencies.

  • Customer Satisfaction: EQ improves customer interactions and satisfaction, leading to repeat business and higher revenues. Increased revenues provide the financial means to raise wages.

In summary, emotional intelligence enhances productivity, efficiencies, and wages by creating a positive and supportive work environment, improving decision-making and conflict resolution, and driving organizational performance and growth. This holistic approach leads to a more motivated, efficient, and well-compensated workforce.

  • What is the Course Description for Emotional Sovereignty School?

Emotional Sovereignty School Training Course Description

Course Title: Emotional Sovereignty School

Organization: Center for Emotional Education

Course Overview: Emotional Sovereignty School is designed to empower individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve Emotional Sovereignty and Emotional Intelligence. This comprehensive training program focuses on helping participants effectively manage their emotions, heal past emotional wounds, and rewire their brains for healthier emotional responses. The ultimate goal is to enable individuals to live balanced, fulfilling lives while maintaining their professional success and nurturing sustainable relationships.

Course Objectives:

  • Develop a deep understanding of emotional intelligence and its impact on personal and professional life.

  • Learn numerous techniques to work with, manage, and regulate emotions in various situations.

  • Explore methods for healing past emotional traumas and integrating those experiences into a healthier self.

  • Understand the neuroscience behind emotional responses and how to rewire the brain for positive emotional patterns.

  • Cultivate practices for maintaining emotional balance and resilience in daily life.

Ideal Audience: This course is perfect for highly successful people experiencing emotional overwhelm, anxiety, and/or depression despite their achievements. It is also beneficial for new entrepreneurs looking to expand their reach while managing challenges related to nervous system activation, overwhelm, and procrastination.

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to Emotional Sovereignty

    • Definition and importance of Emotional Sovereignty

    • Overview of the course structure and objectives

  2. Emotional Intelligence Fundamentals

    • Understanding emotions and their role in human behavior

    • Techniques for enhancing emotional awareness and empathy

  3. Managing and Regulating Emotions

    • Strategies for effective emotional regulation

    • Tools for managing stress and reducing emotional overwhelm

  4. Healing Past Emotional Wounds

    • Methods for identifying and addressing past traumas

    • Integrating deep healing practices into daily life

  5. Neuroscience of Emotions

    • Exploring the brain’s role in emotional responses

    • Techniques for rewiring the brain for positive emotional patterns

  6. Practical Applications

    • Implementing Emotional Sovereignty in professional settings

    • Building and maintaining emotionally healthy relationships

  7. Sustaining Emotional Balance

    • Practices for long-term emotional health and resilience

    • Methods for creating more emotional capacity

Course Duration: Duration is 12 weeks, with weekly sessions and practical assignments.

Learning Methods:

  • Interactive online modules

  • Live virtual sessions with instructors

  • Practical exercises and assignments

  • Peer support and discussion forums

  • Access to a library of resources and tools

Outcome: By the end of participating in Emotional Sovereignty School, students will have developed greater emotional intelligence, and collected an array of skills to work effectively with emotion, integrate past wounds, and cultivate better mental health. They will have the tools to increase their career wins while also finding more personal happiness and emotional stability.

  • Emotional Sovereignty School curriculum/schedule of activities:

Unit One: Brain States

Unit Two: Speak Brain

Unit Three: Survival Support Strategies

Unit Four: How Emotions Work

Unit Five: Resilience and Capacity

Unit Six: Notice, Name, Touch

Unit Seven: Embodied Expression of Emotion

Unit Eight: Mining the Story

Unit Nine: Emoting Strategies

Unit Ten: Your Emotional Cocktail

Unit Eleven: Investigating Underlying Needs

Unit Twelve: Pilot Light and Making Agreements


  • Start Date: August 1, 2024

  • End date: October 24, 2024

  • Cost of Emotional Sovereignty School: $2500

  • Trainers’ Credentials:

Nathan M McTague and Natalie Christensen have spent over two decades working in the field of emotional education, coaching, and personal development. Their diverse backgrounds encompass various roles as a coach, facilitator, and teacher. Nathan and Natalie are deeply committed to assisting highly successful leaders who struggle with emotional overwhelm, anxiety, and depression despite their professional achievements. Their expertise lies in helping clients manage their emotions, heal past wounds, and rewire their brains for healthier emotional responses.

Credentials and Experience:

  • Co-Founder, Center for Emotional Education: Nathan and Natalie are founders of the Center for Emotional Education, an organization focused on providing emotional education and support to individuals seeking personal growth and emotional balance. The Center offers various programs, including Emotional Sovereignty School, which helps participants develop emotional intelligence and resilience.

  • Coach and Facilitator: With extensive experience as coaches and facilitators, Nathan and Natalie have guided numerous individuals through emotional challenges, helping them achieve greater self-awareness and emotional regulation. Their coaching techniques are grounded in the principles of NeuroEmotional Co-Processing and Coaching, which integrate emotional intelligence with neuroscience to promote lasting change

Educational Background:

Nathan and Natalie’s educational background includes extensive studies in psychology and emotional intelligence. Their approach is informed by a combination of academic knowledge and practical experience, allowing them to provide comprehensive support to their clients and students.

  • Why do you need this training?

1. Poor Relationships and Social Interactions

  • Lack of Empathy: Individuals with low EQ may struggle to understand or relate to others' emotions, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts in both personal and professional relationships.

  • Ineffective Communication: They may have difficulty expressing their own emotions clearly or interpreting others' emotional cues, resulting in communication breakdowns and strained interactions.

2. High Levels of Stress and Anxiety

  • Inability to Manage Emotions: Those with low EQ often find it challenging to regulate their emotions, leading to frequent feelings of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety.

  • Poor Stress Coping Mechanisms: They may lack the tools and strategies to effectively cope with stress, which can exacerbate mental health issues and impact their overall well-being.

3. Workplace Challenges

  • Conflict and Tension: Low EQ can lead to increased workplace conflicts, as individuals may not handle disagreements constructively or understand their colleagues' perspectives.

  • Reduced Job Performance: Difficulty in managing emotions and relationships can negatively impact job performance, productivity, and career advancement opportunities.

4. Mental Health Issues

  • Increased Risk of Depression: The inability to manage and process emotions effectively can contribute to chronic stress and depression.

  • Emotional Instability: Individuals with low EQ may experience frequent mood swings and emotional outbursts, affecting their mental health and stability.

5. Low Self-Awareness and Personal Growth

  • Lack of Self-Insight: They may have a limited understanding of their own emotions and how these emotions influence their behavior, leading to poor self-awareness.

  • Resistance to Change: Low EQ can make it difficult for individuals to accept feedback or recognize areas for personal growth, hindering their development and adaptability.


Overall, low emotional intelligence can significantly impact various aspects of an individual's life, from personal relationships and mental health to workplace performance and personal growth. Developing emotional intelligence through self-awareness, empathy, and effective emotion regulation strategies can help mitigate these challenges and improve overall well-being.


Some successes from our students:

ESS was a profound experience with so many practical strategies for managing my emotions so that they don’t manage me! The container of safety was amazing and the support given by Nathan and Natalie, as well as the whole community, made me open up and feel safe sharing deeply.

I would recommend this course for anyone who has emotions...
Yep, that’s everyone! :-)
— Betty Louise
Emotional Sovereignty School is an exquisitely life-changing journey...

Natalie and Nathan are both incredibly mindful, loving, intelligent, profoundly emotionally safe, full of integrity, and with decades of experience.

I’m not kidding, this learning WILL change your life, all of your relationships - and give you the tools to create more of what you truly desire.

Yep, it’s that amazing.
— Lauren
Deciding to participate in Emotional Sovereignty School was one of the best investments in myself I’ve ever made. The information I learned is transformative, and it is positively impacting my family and my work relationships, as well. The framework Nathan & Natalie have developed was paradigm-shifting for me, and the tools are accessible and actionable. I am benefitting from this course every day. So thankful for its role in my growth!
— Kim
I am a coach and have been involved with (and obsessed with) personal development and healing for the past 25 years. I was good at feeling my feelings, but Emotional Sovereignty School has helped me take this work to a whole new level. An entire world is opening for me in my self-awareness and my healing. There’s a freedom here, a spaciousness. What’s been most amazing is to have the experience of being on my own team in my healing and growth. I hold space for, and process, my emotions with greater courage and ease... and am doing so for others in a way that is magical. 
— Annique
Emotional Sovereignty School has been a complete game-changer for me and how I approach caring for myself and my loved ones when we are triggered. I’m much less in my head/intellect and more able to be in my body and with the truth of what’s going on for me. Instead of focusing on “shoulds” and what others might want from me, instead of pretending and distracting myself with busyness, I am able to sink in and care for myself and feel less lost in the sea of conflicting thoughts/desires.
— Libby
Emotional Sovereignty School taught me how to better stay in tune with the connection between my body and emotions allowing me to have freedom of choice in my responses to daily challenges.
— Nikki
It’s difficult to put my experience into words. I feel somewhat transcended from all my “issues”. I feel like I have been re-connected to some sort of ancient wisdom as to how to deal with my feelings, and those of others, and what I have learnt in this course supports me from moment to moment in my daily life now. It wasn’t a course I had to “study”. The knowledge make so much sense and is easy to apply, if you’re willing to do the work. I feel like a different human, reconnected to my source of energy and wisdom because my survival and emotional brain is no longer running my life.
— Shannon
In this class I realized I am a bully, that was a huge blow to my ego. I’ve had to really unwrap my truth in this class. This class has gifted me a safe space to receive clarity of self. It’s been an enormously wonderful experience to feel and witness my own transformation of how I interact with the world I live in. I’m kinder, softer, and more gentle with myself and others.
— Venus
There is nothing more empowering than becoming emotionally sovereign. Change how you experience your world through this nurturing, supportive, unconditional course.

— Kate
These techniques have helped me tremendously.

Learning how to support myself and others, and understanding the physiology of my nervous system, has been empowering and liberating.

I no longer experience panic.

And when I do experience anxiety I am able to head it off at the pass and to regulate back to my baseline, and do so faster and faster over time.

Anxiety doesn’t have the wheel anymore, it’s still in the car but it’s no longer driving.
— Nathaniel

  • Next round is August 1st - October 24th, 2024.

    Class is every Thursday from 10:30am-12:30pm Pacific Time, plus Q&A at the end.

  • Yes, class is held via Zoom.

  • Each live class is about 2 hours long. Plus there is a valuable Q&A section at the end of each class.

  • Yes

    Partner attendance is included for Free!

  • Yes. We offer generous payment plan options.

    Please click on an enrollment button above, and you will be provided with your payment options. If you need something different, please email us at and we will be happy to work with you.

  • One time per year each August.

  • We record all of class, except for one portion. The recordings are available for you to watch at your leisure, and you get to keep them forever!

    *There is a special section of class in which we model NeuroEmotional Co-Processing with a volunteer from class. This mini-coaching piece is essential for getting the best grasp on the modality. But to preserve the emotional safety of the group and for the volunteer, we do not record this section of class. If you’re unable to attend the rest of class on any given day, we recommend you at least jump in for the unrecorded part at the beginning.