Fight Without Fighting

A Couple’s Guide to Fighting Well


Conflict resolution for couples - Fight Without Fighting

Do you work well together on most things, but then crash and burn when it's time to talk about something important, personal, or emotional?

Is there a big topic that neither one of you wants to broach because it's sure to end in yelling and tears?

Do you find yourselves tip-toeing around sensitive subjects?

Do you wonder why something so simple like vacation plans to visit the family, or what pre-school to choose, feels impossible to talk about without one of you storming out of the room?

Does it ever feel like the more you talk the worse it gets?

This quick course is your ticket to:

  • conversations that are both welcomed by your spouse, and also EASIER

  • a feeling of peace and confidence when it's time to tackle tough topics

  • simple and easy to remember techniques that profoundly change the dynamic in your relationship

  • a sense of closeness and deep connection over even the most difficult subject matters

Imagine what it could be like... no name-calling, no threats, no eye-rolling, instead, REAL conversations, where you cry and laugh and figure out what to do next, TOGETHER.


DURATION: Permanent access to the material

COST: $29 US

WHEN: Available Now

TARGET AUDIENCE: The content applies to guiding communication with spouses, partners, and other close loved ones

QUESTIONS? Send them our way!

I highly recommend the Fight Without Fighting course to anyone considering it. The format is so accessible and not nearly as time-consuming, inconvenient or expensive as traditional therapy (which my partner & I have also experienced).

Instead, we found this course to be practical, realistic and so close to the heart of everything we struggled with. Many times, we saw ourselves directly reflected in what was discussed as though it were created just for us! It helped us get to the core of sticky, long-standing issues in our relationship and unlocked new ways to resolve conflict with greater ease and more fun, warmth and purpose.

— Rachel