What if you could…
Make more: money, magic, and impact.
Feel good: in your body, community, and life.
Have: friends you like, work you love, and deeper connection with your partner.
And finally be your full self…
Introducing Emotional Sovereignty School,
and a totally new way to live your life.
Emotional Sovereignty School Self-Study
Emotional Sovereignty School LIVE
Even if… you “aren’t good at emotions”.
Even if… you have a lot of trauma.
Even if… you have lower emotional intelligence.
And especially…
if you want to reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, and also increase health, wealth, and meaningful relationships.
if you want to avoid another year, or ten years, when you’re just scraping by in Survival Mode.
Only in Emotional Sovereignty School can you find:
Reliable Strategies – Get out of a triggered state more efficiently and predictably. Move through emotion more easily. Take aligned action on what’s meaningful to you.
This course is way more than just resilience and mindset practices…
The Full Tool-kit – Strategies, Resource Guides, Diagrams, as well as hands-on Embodied Learning, and live Support. And everything stored in a classroom hub you will be able to access again and again, forever.
Ready Results – You will know how to identify your brain state – the first step to a new life! – on day one. And it just builds from there, giving you all the moves you need to cultivate the life you want.
Real-Life Magic – Connect with others who have bridged the gap between where they were before – in the misery of Survival Mode – to where they are now – living their full, relaxed, embodied lives. Witness for yourself how different things can be.
Some successes from our students:
“ESS was a profound experience with so many practical strategies for managing my emotions so that they don’t manage me! The container of safety was amazing and the support given by Nathan and Natalie, as well as the whole community, made me open up and feel safe sharing deeply.
I would recommend this course for anyone who has emotions...
Yep, that’s everyone! :-)”
“Emotional Sovereignty School is an exquisitely life-changing journey...
Natalie and Nathan are both incredibly mindful, loving, intelligent, profoundly emotionally safe, full of integrity, and with decades of experience.
I’m not kidding, this learning WILL change your life, all of your relationships - and give you the tools to create more of what you truly desire.
Yep, it’s that amazing.”
Discover the Latest NeuroEmotional Science
Heal with
Individualized and
Trauma-Informed Support
Why we call it “Emotional Sovereignty”:
Sovereignty is the full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or bodies.
Emotional Sovereignty™ is the self-governance that means no matter where you are, or who you’re with, or what is going on around you – you have the ability to curate your experience. You get to choose your life.
Emotional Sovereignty also means that you can SHOW UP – as your big, powerful, grown self – to contribute meaningfully and sustainably to the changes you want to see in your physical and mental health, your work and finances, your relationships and community, and in the larger world.
Now who doesn’t want that?
When you were little you did not dream of…
– waking up to anxiety
– using that bolt of adrenaline and cortisol to shove you out of bed in the morning
– throwing on an outfit you hate and looking that way you don’t like
– scanning your to-do list to see what could be causing your discomfort
– rushing through a sparse and meager self-care routine
– careening through hours of emergent musts, have-to’s, and forgotten obligations
– pivoting endlessly between Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Appease
all in order to simply survive your day.
And not just on some days, but everyday.
Forever caught in a loop of just getting by.
Exhausted, resentful, worn down, and frayed.
And you also didn’t dream that…
If you ever happened to mention the dissatisfaction or discomfort, that you would get a bunch of bright-siding and bad advice, like:
“Don’t worry the weekend is just around the corner!”
“The days are long, but the years are short, so be GRATEFUL for what you’ve got now!”
“You just need to make yourself a priority. RELAX a little!”
But what if your experience was totally different?
Imagine if your days followed a new pattern.
Maybe anxiety opens your eyes in the morning, but you know enough to not let it lead you. Instead you naturally pull out a couple of your tools and within minutes you’re dancing your way out of bed.
You take time to feel into your body, soothe your nervous system with some additional know-how. The perfect outfit comes to mind, and you slip it on easily.
Your kids find you as you slowly and languidly make your way through an elaborate and luscious skin-care routine. They have lots to say and complain about. But you know just what to do, just what to say, and pretty soon they are calm and playful, and wait patiently for you to finish.
The rest of the day flows just as easily.
You know just what you want to eat, do, and plan.
You have everything you need because you now know how to willingly shift your neurochemistry to an Executive State. Making the money, arrangements, and delegations to keep your fridge stocked, your household efficient, and your business successful all comes effortlessly now.
You easily drop into the zone and become so absorbed in your creative and magical pursuits that time passes quickly. The days have their challenges, but each time they rise, you know how to rise too.
You’re able to be so intentional and resourceful that it’s not even late afternoon and you’ve accomplished all your tasks.
You have extra time. And with your newly remodeled nervous system you have the capacity to simply choose amongst a list of delights:
Meet a friend?
Go shopping?
Make love?
Take a nap?
Because you know how to process any emotion that arises – no matter the situation or the company you’re in – you no longer pick your activities based on “least stressful” or “least expensive”, but instead based on “most stimulating”, “most fun”, or “most connective.”
You fill your plate with what you love.
In fact, you love almost everything now.
Your body.
Your family.
Your work.
Your bank account.
Even when things go topsy-turvy, your regulation and processing skills are so deeply embedded that you don’t even have to think about it, and the worst tantrum becomes the most earnest snuggle, the once fraught issue becomes a point of curiosity and connection.
You now know how to support yourself so well that you have to read old journals to remind yourself of the “dark days” and all the simple things that felt overwhelming and unmanageable.
Three months ago getting snacks for soccer practice brought you to tears in the parking lot.
Today you’ve had the easiest, smoothest day of your life, and you didn’t even have to think about it.
We know, because that’s how we live.
We’re Nathan and Natalie!
You may know us as the founders of the Center for Emotional Education, or those two lovebirds kissing at the restaurant, or the people heartily laughing as we float the river with our kids.
We didn’t grow up in households full of neuroscientists.
Nathan’s mom is a nurse. Natalie’s is a painter. Both our dad’s are attorneys. We rode bikes, played sports, made lemonade. Our parents worked hard and fed us good dinners at 6pm-ish.
We were lucky! We lived in safe neighborhoods with parents who looked out for our wellbeing. They did what they knew to be best for us. And they did that really well.
But when bad things happened to us – when trauma found its way to our bodies and hearts – our parents definitely did not know how to help us…
How could they? Emotional co-processing and co-regulation isn’t taught in school or church. No one chats about it at coffee shops or bus stops.
So we were left to manage our painful emotions the way most of us learn to deal with emotions:
We fought them off with good behaviors and bad behaviors.
We flew from them with healthy distractions and unhealthy distractions.
We got frozen in them and just pulled up the covers, closed our eyes, and waited for them to pass.
We “perfected” ourselves in the eyes of others in every way we could, hoping to please our way out of our discomforts.
By the time we had our own children, we realized this was not the legacy we wanted to pass on to them: this lifetime of struggle and anxiety and shame with no way to avoid discomfort other than avoiding life itself.
We wanted more, for ourselves and for our daughters, and we were willing to dig to get it.
We wanted a life that wasn’t spent avoiding our triggers or recovering (unsuccessfully) from our reactions to those triggers.
We didn’t know how to do it. We just knew we were going to figure it out.
More moons than we’d prefer later… with lots of help from the researchers and scholars that came before us, lots of dedication, and a frankly a ton of luck, we’ve been able to create a different life for ourselves.
We went from anxious, naive, and desperate to knowledgable, resourced, and relaxed.
We now live a life where we can go anywhere and do anything because we know we can respond well to whatever emotions arise. We aren’t afraid to be in relationship, tenderly address conflict, travel to other countries, run a business, launch new programs and trainings, or run luxury retreats.
We live a life we look forward to.
A life in which we feel satisfaction and gratification.
A life we relish.
We’ll show you how to get started, how to rebuild your nervous system, even how to make your tools second-nature, so that you can just enjoy life instead of working at life.
And not in a creepy, cult-like, faery-dust way… But with clear steps and a comprehensive handbook that folds into your existing life.
“Deciding to participate in Emotional Sovereignty School was one of the best investments in myself I’ve ever made. The information I learned is transformative, and it is positively impacting my family and my work relationships, as well. The framework Nathan & Natalie have developed was paradigm-shifting for me, and the tools are accessible and actionable. I am benefitting from this course every day. So thankful for its role in my growth!”
“I am a coach and have been involved with (and obsessed with) personal development and healing for the past 25 years. I was good at feeling my feelings, but Emotional Sovereignty School has helped me take this work to a whole new level. An entire world is opening for me in my self-awareness and my healing. There’s a freedom here, a spaciousness. What’s been most amazing is to have the experience of being on my own team in my healing and growth. I hold space for, and process, my emotions with greater courage and ease... and am doing so for others in a way that is magical. ”
“Emotional Sovereignty School has been a complete game-changer for me and how I approach caring for myself and my loved ones when we are triggered. I’m much less in my head/intellect and more able to be in my body and with the truth of what’s going on for me. Instead of focusing on “shoulds” and what others might want from me, instead of pretending and distracting myself with busyness, I am able to sink in and care for myself and feel less lost in the sea of conflicting thoughts/desires.”
“Emotional Sovereignty School taught me how to better stay in tune with the connection between my body and emotions allowing me to have freedom of choice in my responses to daily challenges.”
So why doesn’t everyone already do life this way?
If you asked anyone, “Do you want a life with less stress and anxiety, and with better health, more wealth, and greater happiness and connection?”…
Everyone would say yes.
So then, why don’t we all sign up for the training that will give it to us?
For one, a lot of us tell ourselves very unhelpful things, like:
“I think I’m beyond help.”
“I’m just really ________ (fill in the label we use against our self). I’m wired that way and that’s that.”
“It’s too late for me. I’m already too old/too set in my ways.”
“I just never learned how to do feelings.”
“My upbringing was so bad. I don’t think anyone can undo that kind of trauma.”
Add to that, the typical thoughts about this kind of work, like:
“I simply don’t have enough time to breathe, let alone think about myself and my emotions.”
“I have to work during class time.”
“I never follow through on things anyway, so why start.”
And this is may all be true, to a certain extent…
But the real problem is that people think what we’re suggesting is just more of the usual stuff that doesn’t even work.
The usual emotional advice is:
“Look on the bright side.”
Our current culture adores positivity. There are a million ways that society shames and blames us whenever we’re feeling anything less than radiant loving bliss. The idea is that you just have to write a gratitude journal and magically find your way to “love and light” instead of ever feeling sadness, anger, worry, and all the rest.
And when that (inevitably) doesn’t work… “It’s your fault for __________________ (picking this husband, having those kids, not working hard enough at that job, etc., etc.).”
“Exercise better, eat better, sleep better.”
This notion is part of that whole rugged individualism thing. The idea is that you just have to be more disciplined and stick to the right regimen and all will be awesome.
Resilience practices are irreplaceable, and certainly one significant part of the equation for a better, more relaxed life. But they are not the whole equation! Yes, everything is better when we have enough exercise, sleep, and food. But those are basic Survival needs. And even when exercising, eating well, and sleeping plenty – we are still going to feel upset sometimes.
There is a whole separate network in the brain for emotions! They are part of who we are.
Nevertheless, according to this bad advice, if you somehow consistently tick the basic self-care boxes and still don’t feel fantastic, you must just be a lost cause.
“Just let it go.”
There’s a whole Disney song based on this “strategy”! The intimation here is that people just want to be upset. That they cling to their uncomfortable feelings out of some kind of stubborn sadism or willful attention-stealing. Otherwise, they would just stop clinging and feel so much better instantaneously.
For many, “letting go” actually means stuffing emotions deep inside where they fester, become pressurized, make us sick, and have us ruin our relationships.
Still, according to this bad advice, if you somehow are not able to simply “let it go”, it means you are twisted or needy, and of course, “doing it wrong”.
“This too shall pass.”
(Does it really? When??)
For this one you’re supposed to just wait out the upset and then it will magically lift. (Ha!) Through no effort, change, or addressing of any issues, your life will be better… Someday… Waaaaaay in the future.
(Wait for it… Wait for it...)
And when time has passed and you still don’t feel better? “Well… you just have to wait longer.”
“It will only make you stronger.”
Here’s another shaming push toward gratitude, that our hero fixation really loves.
With this tidy myth, the idea is that you should not be upset about your upset – don’t feel anger, or despair, or regret, or fear, or powerlessness – instead be so grateful for this terrible experience because in the eventual it will give you big strong muscles with which to keep weathering this terrible, awful thing, and the next terrible, awful things.
(“You’ve totally got this, Sisyphus!”)
And when this timeless edict fails you, it’s because you are too sensitive and not resilient.
This type of advice is actually a cruel disservice.
With each of these often well-meaning phrases the implication is that:
We won’t help you feel better, but we will blame you for not feeling better faster.
It’s no wonder that no one wants to honestly share what they’re feeling. And no mystery why so many of us are suffering from overwhelm, loneliness, and lack of meaningful connection.
What are we supposed to do if every time we share an upset we are told some useless advice that implies it’s all our fault anyway?
And the advice never stops!
This is because no one knows any better. Everyone means well, but they have no practical, hands-on tools to actually metabolize emotion.
The only way out of the trap of bad emotional advice is:
Smile with love and compassion at those trying to help who don’t know any better.
Take full responsibility for your own emotional education.
Learn from those that do know what to do with emotion, and how to re-wire nervous systems for a more relaxed, abundant, and connective life.
Those of us who are experts in this field don’t have millions of YouTube followers. We’re not on the covers of magazines. We’re not being interviewed on the talk shows. Why? Because fear sells better than ease and emotional fluency. And, we’re too busy chilling out in the shade enjoying life.
We’re living.
Let us show you how we got here…
from the constant Survival Mode of our early years to the neural plasticity, and self-nurturing, and flow of our current years.
You’ve been to more than a dozen years of intellectual education in your life.
You’ve been to trainings, or trade school, or business school, or university to learn the skills, philosophies, and modalities for your career.
But have you ever once gotten real mentoring or instruction in how to operate your emotional self?
Yeah… Neither had we.
It wasn’t until our 3 year old threw the hairbrush at the baby and we were maniacally cycling through all the pitiful parenting versions of…
Fight (“We do not throw hairbrushes, young lady. Get back in time-out!”)
Flight (“What now? Distract the baby? Keep the toddler busy-er?”)
Freeze (“I don’t know what to do, what do you think we should do? Do you think that’ll work? I don’t know if we can do it…”) and
Appease (“Baby girl, please don’t hurt your sister. You don’t want to hurt your sister do you? That makes her so sad…”)
…and failing miserably, when we finally decided to throw out the old playbook and write our own.
We became neuro-geeks – pouring over every book, every article, every scientific study we could find that looked at how brains are wired and rewired, how we’re affected by and can affect our states, how to process and co-process emotion.
We tested our research on guinea pigs (our children and ourselves). And it turns out we were really good at it. Really good. We got to the point that we welcomed tantrums because we knew that with our knowledge and practical know-how, everyone would be hugging and giggling within minutes.
And we wanted to bottle it for others.
So we built a game, a poster, and several charts so that we could welcome other families into the world of emotional co-processing and successful relationships. .
Feeleez matching game.
Our Feeleez products are precious gems. In the right hands they serve little people in big ways.
But it wasn’t enough. We wanted to really share our gifts, and really help people have the kind of lives they love, and to be the best version of themselves they can be, so it wasn’t enough for just a few lucky children to have tools.
We needed to dream bigger.
So we leveled-up. Dug deeper. Learned even more.
We started with 1:1 work. Then we built our Center and filled it with resources, courses, and trainings. Now we help people around the world become Emotionally Sovereign and have the relaxed, flexible nervous systems that allow for rich, meaningful, adventurous lives.
There is not yet another institution in the world where you can get this training.
We have spent the last 20 years, 16 in active 1:1 practice with our pioneering clients, researching, studying, and supporting others in emotional processing and healing work.
We had to go the long way to locate and pool the diverse resources, in order to build a comprehensive 3-part system, and then to watch it work in our own lives and in the lives of hundreds of our clients and students – just to be certain we had cultivated something that could be passed on to others successfully, repeatably, and in a straightforward and accessible manner.
We’ve spent our lives perfecting this curriculum, so now you can get the best emotional education on the planet at the tip of your fingers.
“It’s difficult to put my experience into words. I feel somewhat transcended from all my “issues”. I feel like I have been re-connected to some sort of ancient wisdom as to how to deal with my feelings, and those of others, and what I have learnt in this course supports me from moment to moment in my daily life now. It wasn’t a course I had to “study”. The knowledge make so much sense and is easy to apply, if you’re willing to do the work. I feel like a different human, reconnected to my source of energy and wisdom because my survival and emotional brain is no longer running my life. ”
“In this class I realized I am a bully, that was a huge blow to my ego. I’ve had to really unwrap my truth in this class. This class has gifted me a safe space to receive clarity of self. It’s been an enormously wonderful experience to feel and witness my own transformation of how I interact with the world I live in. I’m kinder, softer, and more gentle with myself and others.”
You don’t need more information that you’re just going to forget later…
If you had all the information in the world, would you know what to do, right now, if your 3 year old threw their cereal bowl in your face?
You’ve probably read parenting and self-help books.
You’ve probably even taken other classes.
You follow experts on social media.
You have access to every single byte of data out there about feeling better.
So why don’t we all, already, have a flexible, relaxed nervous system that handles upset like a champ?
Here’s why:
Because the information out there is overwhelming and contradictive and often just plain fabricated.
AND, here’s the brutal truth of it…
When we’re really triggered we can’t remember anything – no stats, no info, no details, no tips, no tools. We flip instantly into a reflexive reaction, and most likely just repeat a pattern we saw play out in our own childhood.
That’s why we aren’t interested in simply memorizing tools and information.
We’re interested in creating permanent brain change.
Our trainings are loaded with information and tools, but we also make sure our students are able to absorb and embody the material as well. So when that cereal bowl comes flying, a new pattern is already in place, and you can respond according to your values, not your trauma.
Where will you be 5 months from now?
We don’t want you stuck in the loop of Survival Mode – running around putting out fires, sacrificing your body, your needs, and your pleasure, just to repeat it the next day.
Your spirit can’t wait.
Your family can’t wait.
Your mission can’t wait.
It’s time to make a decision.
If you decide that “one day I’ll get help with this, once I have my feet under me” – that’s a “decision”. We put that word in quotes on purpose because your “decision” is likely just more of the same pattern of self-sacrifice and martyrdom, and can we really call that a true decision?
Make a real decision to get out of the Survival Loop. Take a survey of your life. How much of your day is spent just surviving? What would you rather be doing instead? Learning to make fancy French cuisine? Floating the river with your kids? Reading a book languidly in your back yard? Starting a business? Writing a novel? Great. You get to have that stuff! Let’s get started on changing your neuroemotional habits.
Start ignoring bad emotional advice. When we listen to people who tell us we shouldn’t feel, that we should go back to being forcibly positive, grateful, or carefree – we put ourselves right back in the trap of having nowhere to go with our feelings. And that road only leads to more miserable survival living.
Stop telling yourself you should be able to do it on your own, by just working harder or reading more books. Emotionally intelligent and successful people get support. We aren’t meant to do emotion alone.
We all need someone who can show us the way…
How emotions work in the brain and body and what that means for our life – including our thoughts, our health, our finances, our relationships, and more.
How to work with emotions so that they don't build-up, blow up, make us sick, or make us do things we wish we hadn't.
How to re-train our brain so we are more capable and resilient in the face of future challenges.
How to make sense of all the awful, weird, uncomfortable, happenings that occur in our life, and to know what to do to alter or avoid happenings like them.
Easy ways to re-parent ourselves and heal our trauma.
We’re talking about a comprehensive 3-part system
to rewire your nervous system for greater
health, wealth, and relationships.
We’re talking about…
Emotional Sovereignty School
Are you often waiting for situations to get better so that you can feel better?
Does your depression or anxiety get in the way of life’s pleasures?
Are you exhausted from constantly “putting out fires” only to stumble upon a new batch the very next day?
Have you been labeled as “too sensitive” or “too much”?
Does it feel like you’ll never be happy because you’re struggling with too much overwhelm ?
Are your emotions stopping you from making a better living?
Do you spend an inordinate amount of time trying to keep other people pleased?
Do you sense that you could be under-developed, naive, or childlike in a particular area of your life?
Have you isolated yourself because the toxicity, ineptitude, or neediness of others is too much?
Do you ever wish you knew what to do when you or someone you love is upset?
Then this is the program for you.
“There is nothing more empowering than becoming emotionally sovereign. Change how you experience your world through this nurturing, supportive, unconditional course.
“These techniques have helped me tremendously.
Learning how to support myself and others, and understanding the physiology of my nervous system, has been empowering and liberating.
I no longer experience panic.
And when I do experience anxiety I am able to head it off at the pass and to regulate back to my baseline, and do so faster and faster over time.
Anxiety doesn’t have the wheel anymore, it’s still in the car but it’s no longer driving.”
This program is designed to give you the information, tools, and support you need to live a fully-realized life that is driven by YOU.
Sometimes it seems like our entire experience is dependent on what is happening around us. Often our feelings and comfort seem heavily reliant on how other people are currently feeling or acting.
This program is designed to help with that. We’ll assist you in understanding the neuroemotional matrix, clear out some of those old patterns that have run your life for so long, find meaningful solutions to chronic issues, dramatically improve your emotional intelligence, and fill your personal tool box with strategies for managing those sticky, fraught, complicated times.
What You Get
Emotional Sovereignty School —
August 28 thru November 20 2025
LIVE Includes:
12 two-hour zoom calls with connection, laughter, learning, and healing.
(1 call per week)
12 life-altering units that will change the way you see the world and yourself
12 easy, accessible, and efficient frameworks to use in real life
12 homework assignments to start brain-changing right away
Safe, warm, coaching support to integrate the learning and process trauma
Recordings of all calls so that you can revisit the material as much as you want
Bonus: Your partner may join for free when you enroll
Bonus: Complete slide deck for each unit
2025 Dates:
(10:00am - 12:00pm Pacific time)
August 28
September 4
September 11
September 18
September 25
October 2
October 9
October 16
October 23
October 30
November 6
November 13
November 20
Emotional Sovereignty School Self-Study Includes:
12 life-altering units that will change the way you see the world and yourself
12 easy, accessible, and efficient frameworks to use in real life
12 homework assignments to start brain-changing right away
Recordings of all units so that you can revisit the material forever
Complete slide deck for each unit
Emotional Sovereignty School is right for you if:
You’re ready to take charge of your emotional experience and willing to invest in yourself to reach that goal.
You’re courageous, dedicated, and willing to work for it.
You’re committed to doing the classes, absorbing the material, and looking for every opportunity to apply what you’ve learned.
You want a road map that is easy to follow and easy to fold into your existing life.
Emotional Sovereignty School is not for you if:
You want someone to do the work for you.
We don’t offer treatments. This work is challenging and something only you can do for yourself.
You're looking to be healed from uncomfortable emotion overnight and permanently.
Brain change requires dedication and devotion. There is no overnight miracle when it comes to building neural pathways.
You’re only looking for clever slogans and sayings that allow you to continue to ignore your emotions.
We are clever. We will teach you in a way that’s easy to remember. But this work requires your willingness to engage with your own (sometimes painful) experience.
You are enrolling to please someone else.
Trust that when you are ready to change your habits, decrease anxiety and/or depression, and develop Emotional Sovereignty, you will return or you will find the right path for you.
Emotional Sovereignty School LIVE takes place over Zoom.
The first part of class is spent doing some regulation, a feelings check-in, and an unrecorded co-processing session with a volunteer.
The second part of class is presentation of material with student participation occurring in the chat stream.
Next we offer a journal prompt for further embodiment and education, and a feelings checkout.
Last we stick around for the “Afterparty” where we answer questions and offer support.
Class participation is welcome but not required. Your camera can be turned on or off.
You will never be made to volunteer or enter a breakout room against your wishes.
We value emotional safety above all else.
Course Schedule:
Unit One: Brain States
Unit Two: Speak Brain
Unit Three: Survival Support Strategies
Unit Four: How Emotions Work
Unit Five: Resilience and Capacity
Unit Six: Notice, Name, Touch
Unit Seven: Embodied Expression of Emotion
Unit Eight: Mining the Story
Unit Nine: Emoting Strategies
Unit Ten: Your Emotional Cocktail
Unit Eleven: Investigating Underlying Needs
Unit Twelve: Pilot Light and Making Agreements
Got Questions?
Set up a complimentary and quick “Testing the Waters” chat to discuss particulars, concerns, payment plans, scholarships, etc..
Your Spot Awaits
In addition to the incalculable value of living a freer, fuller, more successful life – easily taking better care of yourself, making smarter choices in your work, and actually enjoying your relationships – if you scheduled these sessions with us individually, we would normally charge $5,400 US. We’re asking for $2,500 US for the whole 12-week LIVE program. So, here, you save $2,900.
Plus, unlike our amazing 1:1 sessions, in Emotional Sovereignty School, you’ll also get both of us, for 2 hours of groundbreaking training and stellar coaching in each session, a recording of each impactful and revelatory call, and a community of like-minded and equally emotionally educated cohorts with whom to geek out on all things neuroemotional – in perpetuity! Again, that’s just $2,500 US.
We highly recommend that you treat yourself to the Plus package for this class.
For $2,850, in addition to all of the above, this comprehensive package also includes a complete outline for each session (our actual class notes!), and 3 individual coaching calls (with the certified coach of your choice) during the 12-week program. This is for those who really want to get this learning in their heart and bones.
Plus spots are limited, so if this speaks to you, we encourage you to go for it.
ESS LIVE PLUS PACKAGE with the Certified Coach of Your Choice
Includes Emotional Sovereignty School LIVE and 3 personalized coaching calls!
Emotional Sovereignty School
Emotional Sovereignty School LIVE
There may be federal funding to pay for Emotional Sovereignty School
Interested, but need a scholarship? Fill out our Scholarship Application here.
If you have questions or need a payment plan, please email Love@CenterForEmotionalEducation.com
Curious what this work is all about?
Check out this video!
The Key To Everything You Want
Frequently Asked Questions!
The LIVE version meets once per week over Zoom.
Next live round: August 28 - November 20, 2025; Thursdays 10:00a - 12:00p Pacific Time
The Self-Study version is available year-round
The live version is held via Zoom.
The self-study version is accessible online anytime.
Each live class is about 2 hours long. Plus there is a valuable Q&A section at the end of each class.
Partner attendance is included for Free!
Yes. We offer generous payment plan options.
Please click on an enrollment button above, and you will be provided with your payment options. If you need something different, please email us at love@centerforemotionaleducation.com and we will be happy to work with you.
The live version is offered once per year, usually in August.The self-study version is available year-round.
We record each live class, except for one portion. The recordings are available for you to watch at your leisure, and you get to keep them forever!
*There is a special section of class in which we model NeuroEmotional Co-Processing with a volunteer from class. This mini-coaching piece is essential for getting the best grasp on the modality. But to preserve the emotional safety of the group and for the volunteer, we do not record this section of class. If you’re unable to attend the rest of class on any given day, we recommend you at least jump in for the unrecorded part at the beginning.