We are all good people. We just need help gaining (and maintaining) access to our best selves. It isn't rocket science. It's brain science.
“Our work together has profoundly impacted mine and my family’s lives and has given me a grounded confidence in my ability to connect and nourish relationships for years to come. I know how to do it!
- Michelle”
“I’m feeling closer to my husband, my kids, and my real purpose in life than ever before, and I’m sure it’s because of my work with you. I feel like if I just apply the few things you’ve taught me my life trajectory will be different forever!
- Jessica
Coaching Packages
our gift to you
Join us for a one-time per person complimentary offering! Spend some time with us telling us where you'd like to be in your life - what that looks like, what it tastes like, what it feels like, and also what your life is like now - the good, the bad, the ugly. We'll discuss how to get from point A to point B without becoming something you're not, or something you loathe. Our intention for these calls is to show up in service and support to you, and if we are a resonant match we can discuss what it would look like to continue to work together. We see who you are - your best shining self - and we know that's your way forward!
1 - 2 month support option
$425 - $669 US
This one-month starter package is designed to identify the gap between where you are now, and where you'd like to be, and get you started in bridging that divide. Three tender phone calls move your thinking, your perspective, and your actions in the direction of your ideal life. You want a good-feeling family, meaningful connection with loved ones, and emotional stability? We'll get you there.
4 - 5 month support option
$1,700 - $2,676 US
This four-month coaching package is designed to not only identify the gap between where you are and where you'd rather be and get you headed down the right path, but to also offer expansiveness of time in the sacred coaching space to allow for deep learning around essential life-changing concepts, as well as the necessary support to hardwire and apply those concepts in the real world. It includes 12 calls and regular contact in between. You want to make a big shift, change something that has always felt impossible? This is a great package for you.
4 - 6 month prenuptial support
$3,500 US
This is a package designed to:
get you started on the right foot, with connection and a sense that the air is fully cleared for your next adventure
help you be on the same page from the start about wedding planning, family involvement, where to live — all the important aspects of life
teach you how to fight without fighting
Your wedding will be fun not a topic of despair.
You will feel close and excited.
You will feel certain that you are equipped to handle the hard stuff.
4 - 6 month couple’s support
$3,500 US
This is a package designed to:
Rebuild connection so that life and love are fun again
Show you that you aren’t broken, you aren’t a bad match — we’ll prove it
Teach you strategies for navigating the tough times without turning against each other
You will love your partnership again.
You will feel more secure in your foundation.
With your new tool kit, you will be able to sail the waves with confidence.
group program with 3 individual coaching sessions
$2,850 - $3,055 US
Next round starts August, 2024
This program is designed to:
Disentangle your experience from the constraints of your circumstances
Show you that you don’t have to be a victim of old patterns
Teach you strategies for navigating life so that you’re more truly living, not just surviving
Empower you to live from a brain state that acts from your core values
You will love your relationships again.
You will feel more clear about who you are.
With your new tool kit, you will be able to find and enact solutions to long-standing issues.
8 - 12 month comprehensive premium 1:1 program
$6,000 US
This is a comprehensive program designed to:
identify your goals, the distance that separates you from them, and the path to attain them
teach you incredible, mind-boggling concepts that drastically change the course of one's life and all the relationships within it
support you as you learn to apply these concepts - including refreshing the learning, dissecting and navigating newly unearthed layers, and troubleshooting tricky situations
Your life will be different.
You will feel optimistic and sure.
Excited and clear.
You will shake off old ways and find new ones.
You will feel supported and energized.
1 - Month Intensive Support
This package starts on one moon and ends with the next moon. It is designed to offer devoted, powerful, enduring, focused, cradling support for a key period in one’s life, such as a death of any sort, a re-birth of self or identity, or simply a time where one is being called to be exquisitely held and nurtured.
This offering is meant for only one person per lunar cycle because our intent is to devote our focus, support, and energy to you to an extremely high degree.
You will have full support at your beck and call.
You will love knowing you are held - like a newborn is held by their mother.
You will be free to fall apart or soar to new heights, knowing there is a net below you.
3-day in-home intensive support option
$12,000 US (plus expenses)
This is an acute intensive, in which Nathan or Natalie accompany you in your life for three days. Perfect for especially triggering time periods, crisis phases, or very activating circumstances that need extra support. Equally ideal for those that are motivated to create major change quickly.
This is designed to:
Offer you emotional processing in real time as life unfolds
Provide hands-on strategies and perspectives using material from current life
Give you intensive support that rapidly accelerates your emotional development
Model what it looks like to respond to your specific husband or children in neurochemically-effective ways
Complimentary Gifts
Get started on your Emotional Sovereignty journey now!
Brain State Identification and Strategies
Top 8 Signs You're Suffering From Disconnection
Alleviate Anxiety Already Workshop