You can set healthy boundaries for yourself.
You can take good care of yourself while staying in connection with others.
You can have balanced and reciprocal relationships.
You can say No without sacrificing love.
We can help
Want in?
Do you give and get nothing back?
Does it seem like your boundaries often get ignored?
Are you burned out from over-giving?
Do you worry that you’re “codependent”?
Are you struggling with never “being enough”?
Do you find yourself shouting or acting in ways that you don’t like in order to enforce limits you have set?
Do you wonder what your life would be like if you didn’t have trouble with boundaries?
Are you yearning to finally solve this piece that has been challenging you for so long?
Then this is the class for you.
This weekend summit is your ticket to freedom from:
The indecision that comes when there are too many people to please (or displease).
The regret of “going with the flow” only to build up resentment and explode at those you love.
The hypervigilance that is required when your sense of safety and well-being is dependent on others.
The exhaustion that comes from giving too much time and again.
The resentment you feel when there is a lack of reciprocity.
The shame of having no boundaries or not even knowing what you want.
2-part course with connection, laughter, learning, and healing.
Life-enhancing concepts that will change the way you operate your boundaries.
Strategies for boundaries with children and adults.
Step-by-step templates to continue your practice.
Safe, warm support to integrate and practice the learning.
Recordings of the course so that you can revisit the material as needed.
A community of other folks learning about boundaries.
Confidence in knowing what boundaries are, why they are important, and how to use them.
Imagine it...
An utterly different experience of life.
One in which you know where your boundaries are and
you hold them with love and integrity.
$1250 value — your cost: $100
Frequently Asked Questions!
This is a self-paced course. You may begin anytime.
You will access this class via an online classroom hub.
This would be a great class to do together.
We encourage workshop students to graduate into Emotional Sovereignty School for furthering their learning.
Emotional Sovereignty School Plus includes 1:1 support as well as the comprehensive program.
And coaching sessions with one of our coaches is always available and recommended.